The Call To ENGAGE

The term engage is the occupying, attracting, or involving one's interest or attention. A second definition means that one participates or is involved in something. When we consider the term ENGAGE, how does it relate to our spiritual walk as a disciple of Christ? Do we seek to know about Jesus, give him lip service, but fail to engage him genuinely? How would you assess your engagement with the Lord? Over the following several blogs, we seek to understand how we must ENGAGE the Lord and challenge ourselves to evaluate our faithfulness to ENGAGE.


What occupies your heart and your mind? We use the Word occupation to define when an outside force takes possession of a land. In a personal sense, our hearts and minds are occupied by the Lord or the flesh. When our hearts live occupied by the flesh, we seek after the things of this world. Our minds become clouded with the thoughts of the flesh. Our lives become controlled by the influence of the world, flesh, and self. We test the occupation of our lives by analyzing our thoughts, wants, and desires.

As a follower of Christ, we must strive to be occupied by the Lord. We must surrender our lives and give the Lord complete control. We must seek to have the Lord and His Word guide our lives and set the heart's desires. We must strive to have our thoughts centered on the Lord and be led by the truth of God's Word. When the Lord occupies us, we are entrusted to him, living according to his leading and his ways. Does the world or the Word occupy your mind? Does the flesh or the Lord occupy your heart?


What attracts your heart and mind? Attraction carries the concept of the urge to be drawn to something. The nature of the flesh is attracted to the activities of sin because sin preys upon the appetites, the aesthetics, and the appearance. The flesh finds many activities against the Lord's appeal and often tempts us to participate. We must recognize this threat and put guardrails in place to strive to be drawn to the Word of God and the following of God's leading.

As a follower of Christ, what draws us depicts the temperature of our hearts toward the Lord. If we find ourselves drawn to sin and the world, we seek to align and participate in the world's ways. If we are drawn to the Word and will of God, then we allow our hearts and minds to be transformed, and we become more like Christ. We must analyze our urges and strive to ENGAGE the Lord and create a heart attracted to His Word.  


What do your heart and mind give attention to? Our attention is given to the things we love the most. The direction of our attention responds to the priorities of our lives. If we seek to succeed in this world and chase after success with everything, then we live compromised by the priorities of our lives. We will compromise our morals and ethics for success. This truth occurs with success and any priority above the Lord. When we give attention away from the Lord, we establish idols in our lives.

As a follower of Christ, we must seek to give all our attention to the Lord, his leading, his will, and his Word. We must live sold out to the Lord and completely trust our lives to him. When our attention is set on the Lord, our response is surrender and obedience. We pursue the Lord by spending time in his Word and praying with him. When the Lord has our full attention, our heart is focused on serving his kingdom and not our pursuits. Does the Lord have your attention? Are you focused on the pursuits you desire or surrendered to the leading of the Lord?


We must strive to participate in the Lord's work by living to ENGAGE. When we ENGAGE, we live as part of the Body of Christ. We live in communion with other believers. We seek to live in obedience before the Lord and strive to grow in our relationship with him. We must take part in engaging with the Lord by:

·      Surrendering to Jesus as Lord and Savior

·      Seeking to grow in our relationship with Jesus

·      Serving in the local body of believers

·      Submitting to the will and ways of the Lord.

Will you seek to ENGAGE the Lord in faithfulness? Have you ENGAGED Jesus as Lord and Savior? Are you ENGAGING in a growing relationship with Christ? Are you part of a local body of believers? Are you submitted to the ways and will of the Lord?


Five Components to Evangelism


Spiritual Resolutions