Dear Believer, EXPLORE

Believers must EXPLORE to see where the Lord is leading, working, and calling them to serve the Lord. The exploration process means that we must set our eyes on the Lord and pursue him in obedience as he leads and directs our steps. If we desire to be believers who ENGAGE the Lord, then we must EXPLORE to carry out the mission of the Lord. Today, may we discover four truths about the process of EXPLORING to discover the Lord's leading and calling in our lives.

 We receive the call to seek the Kingdom of God. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you." Seeking the Lord must exist as the primary desire of our hearts. We must create a desire to follow the Lord in righteousness and obedience. We seek the Lord by engaging His Word, praying with Him, and serving on a mission for His kingdom. When you consider pursuing your life, are you seeking the Kingdom of God first and foremost?

We receive the command to seek God's Word and put the truth into practice. In Luke 11:28, Jesus declared, "Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it." As we seek the Lord in His Word, we must resolve to take the truth and place it into practice in our lives. We must move beyond mental knowledge about the Lord, put into practice His truth, and be found illuminating His truth in all our life activities. When you analyze your life, do you allow the Word to set the parameters of activity in your life?

We receive encouragement for seeking the Lord. In 1 Chronicles 16:11, we receive the reminder, "Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his face always." As we seek the Lord, we gain encouragement because we experience the Lord's presence and strength. The encouragement comes as we are reminded that the Lord provides the needed strength to carry out His mission. When we know that the Lord provides strength and is ever with us, we gain encouragement as we journey through the valleys and on the mountaintops. As you evaluate your life, are you receiving encouragement from the Lord's promise of presence and strength? 

We receive the promise that seeking brings finding. In Jeremiah 29:13, we find this promise, "You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart." When we seek the Lord, we will find Him. The Lord promises that we will find Him when we genuinely seek the Lord. When we see the Lord, we gain the ability to know His will for our life and pursue to fulfill that will with the strength He provides. When we EXPLORE, we do not search aimlessly, but we seek with the certainty that the Lord will reveal himself. Do you pursue the Lord with the certainty of finding Him?

We must set our hearts to explore and find where God calls and leads us. Exploring allows us to seek the Lord intentionally and pursue His leadership. The ability to commit to ENGAGE in our spiritual walk rests on our intentional commitment to EXPLORE his leading and calling for our lives. As you evaluate your life, are you in the process of EXPLORING?


Dear Believer, Meet Needs


Hey, Believer, ENGAGE