Jesus’ Ascension to the Right Hand

The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of his nature, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

Hebrews 1:3 (CSB)

In Acts 1, we read about the ascension of Christ. As He prepared to ascend, Christ commanded His followers to live as His witnesses and reach the entire world (Acts 1:8). While the disciples gazed at the ascending Jesus, an angel appeared and asked them why they were looking up at Him. The messenger declared that just as the Son ascended, He would return. The time between the ascension and His return would be a period of Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father.


The author of Hebrews noted, “after making purification of sins,” which reveals the completion of the task Jesus came to accomplish. Jesus arrived in the incarnation to become the necessary sacrifice for offering salvation to all people and to address the consequences of sin once and for all. This was part of the ultimate unfolding of God’s plan for eternity. Upon completing His mission, Jesus returned to the Father, where He was seated at the right hand of the Father. The key is that Jesus did not leave too early or too late but ascended back to the right hand of the Father at the precise moment when His mission for redemption was fulfilled.


In Acts 1:8, Jesus commanded His followers to act as His representatives and witnesses here on earth while He sat at the right hand of the Father. This declaration is accompanied by the promise found in Matthew 28 that He would be with us as we strive to fulfill this command. In Acts 7, we observe this command embodied in the witness of Stephen. Stephen stood in obedience, declaring the message of the gospel. As people rejected this declaration, they began to stone him. As Stephen looked up, he proclaimed that he saw Jesus standing and awaiting his arrival in heaven. Notice that Jesus’ presence, location, and promises are all affirmed in this moment.


Christ sat down to await the moment of His return. The Bible declares that Jesus’ return will occur in the same way the ascension did. At the same time, the Bible speaks to the return as not being a singular mission but ultimately the last mission that will end the spiritual war. Recognizing that Jesus awaits at the right hand of the Father should encourage us to live in faithfulness because we rest in the guarantee that He will return in majesty.


  1. How can we live encouraged under the authority of Christ who sits at the Father's right hand as we await His return?

  2. How does Christ's position at the Father's right hand reveal His authority over the lives of beleivers?


Jesus’ Role as Reconciler


Jesus Raised from the Dead