The True Word of God

Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth

John 17:17 (CSB)

Culture attempts to define truth based on people’s interpretations and opinions. This relative approach to truth means that truth becomes subject to one’s personal feelings and perspectives. This approach to truth is not genuine and authentic but instead, an attempt to redefine what God alone defines. In John 17, Jesus asked the Father to sanctify His followers by truth. This request then gains clarity when Jesus refers to God’s Word as truth. The term for truth is not a descriptor but instead is a noun. Thus, the Word of God is THE TRUTH that brings sanctification to the believer's life.

When the Word of God is not viewed as truth, the individual attempts to lessen the nature of Scripture. They attempt to lessen the truth by adjusting the message to meet their lifestyle instead of adjusting their life to obey the truth. They seek to redefine the words to meet their agenda instead of changing their agenda to meet the truth. They question the revelation of the Lord instead of surrendering to the truth. The failure to hold the Bible as true is to accept a life of disobedience.

The Word of God must become the truth that controls our lives. We must seek to engage the truth to know the ways and will of the Lord. We must seek to allow the truth to penetrate the depths of our lives and to reveal to us the places of waywardness. The truth of God’s Word must propel us to seek to live in obedience to the truth and to walk in line with the Lord. When we hold God’s Word as truth, we are holding onto the truths of God’s Word as God’s special revelation that has led us to salvation and is playing a significant role in making us more like Christ.

Pilot asked Jesus the question, “What is truth?” (John 18:28). Many people in the culture continue to ask the same question. Pilot looked at Jesus, the very presence of truth, as he asked this question. People today ask the question while holding the revealed Word of God. When God’s Word is understood, believed, and held as truth, then the question is no longer “what is truth?” but “How do I obey the truth?”


  1. How does knowing God’s Word as truth counter the concept of truth in the culture?

  2. How does understanding God’s Word as the Truth impact your daily life and engagement with Scripture?


The Trustworthy Word of God


The Infallible Word of God