The Truth of Special Revelation
Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the proclamation about Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept silent for long ages but now revealed and made known through the prophetic Scriptures, according to the command of the eternal God to advance the obedience of faith among the Gentiles.
Romans 16:25-26(CSB)
General revelation refers to the revelation found within the created order, which exists for all to be drawn to the Creator. Another form of revelation is special revelation, which is more specialized and direct than general revelation. Special revelation includes God revealing himself through miraculous works like splitting the Red Sea or the coming of Christ. We find special revelation in the visions and dreams of followers of Christ throughout Scripture. But Scripture itself is also a form of special revelation.
Scripture is the primary form of God’s special revelation. The Holy Spirit carried along his message to guide human men to pen the inspired and divine words of the Lord for His people and to call those outside of His people to become part of His people. Thus, Scripture exists as God’s special revelation to us, telling us what we could not know without it.
God’s special revelation of Scripture reveals what he has done for us. The Word of God reveals the work of Christ on the cross and the victory over death that occurred so that you and I could have life everlasting through faith in Jesus Christ.
God’s special revelation in Scripture provides us with the needed wisdom to navigate life. The truth required for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness—the promise of what lies ahead in the return of Christ and the assurance that comes with salvation.
The movement from general revelation to specific revelation reveals the nature of God’s love for creation. His desire is that none would perish but that all would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Scripture, as God’s special revelation, takes the reality of God’s glory and power in creation and combines it with God’s solution to man’s grave condition. Thus, the Word of God is divine inspiration and revelation.
How does special revelation differ from general revelation?
Why is special revelation critical to understanding God’s will and ways for your life?