The Act of Giving
Read the Text: 2 Corinthians 9
Memorize the Text:
For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, but worldly grief produces death.
(2 Corinthians 7:10, CSB)
Consider the Text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-10
The apostle Paul discussed the appropriate manner to give in 2 Corinthians 9. He addressed the importance of the attitude of one’s heart that accompanies the gift. This topic continued from 2 Corinthians 8 when the apostle discussed the importance of excelling in the grace of giving. Here, Paul identified characteristics of the proper attitude of the believer as they come to the act of giving.
The topic produces differing responses from people. People view this concept from different perspectives and, as a result, give under various motives. The apostle Paul commands the believers in Corinth to give to the work of God’s kingdom from their hearts. There are three keys to remember when we seek to give from our heart.
Seek the Heart
Believers need to seek their hearts to understand their passions. What a person loves and desires will guide their giving. People often say to see what one loves, simply look at how they spend their time, talent, and treasure. Today, we must seek our hearts and identify our passions and see how they align with the desires and passions of the Lord.
Analyze the Motives
As Christians seek their heart to identify their passions, they must also analyze the motives that encourage their stewardship. The analysis allows believers to determine if their giving occurs because they desire to make a name for themselves or seek to make a name for the Lord. Today, we need to analyze the motives that promote our stewardship of time, talent, and treasure. We need to identify if we are giving to receive glory or for the desire to give glory to the Lord.
Discern and Respond
As one recognizes the motives behind their stewardship, one must discern the reality of their motives and respond accordingly. If they give for self-glory, they need to seek forgiveness and transition to proper motives. If they give for God’s glory, they must continue to seek Him and support His mission. Today, we need to stop and discern the reality of our motives. Then, we need to respond accordingly and either continue seeking to glorify the Lord in our stewardship or seek forgiveness and renewal.
Paul continued to discuss giving by detailing the state of the heart of one giving in faithfulness. He declared that the heart of a giver must be cheerful. Cheerful indicates a state of giving that centers on joy and pleasure in seeing the impact of that which is given. As a result, the apostle provides three charges.
Don’t Give Reluctantly
The apostle warned against giving in an attitude of reluctance. This state of giving occurs when one gives under the presence of concern and begrudgingly. The hesitation normally occurs when fear dominates the act because of a concern that what is given may create an unmet need in one’s life. Today, the pressures of the world and the unknown can drive one to give in a state of reluctance. Such a state occurs when fear dominates faith.
Don’t Give Under Pressure
Paul challenged believers not to give because of pressure. Such an approach to giving occurs when one feels pressure to meet the expectations of others or to maintain a certain image. Giving under pressure also happens when one is guilted into giving. Today, people face many forms of pressure when giving. Sometimes people feel pressure to maintain a status in the church or before people.
Give Cheerfully
The apostle Paul charged the believers to give cheerfully. This means they give with the joy of serving the Lord in faithfulness. They find excitement in giving and use the opportunity as a state and act of worship. Cheerful giving becomes worship as the focus is on the Lord and His work. Cheerful giving occurs in a state of faithfulness because one trusts in the Lord’s ability to provide for His own needs. Thus, cheerful giving occurs because faith overcomes fear. Today, we need to understand giving as an act of worship that occurs in cheerfulness.
How are you doing as a steward of the Lord? Are you trusting in the provision of the Lord? Are you seeking to give in a cheerful manner? Take a moment to analyze the motives of the heart and seek the Lord to help develop a constant heart of a cheerful giver when giving one’s time, talent, and treasure.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at