Beat the Heat

Read the Text: Mark 9

Memorize the Text:   But it is not so among you. On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you will be a slave to all. (Mark 10:43-44)

Consider the Text: Mark 9:42-50

Jesus never shied away from speaking on the reality of hell and the truth of punishment for those without a personal relationship with him. In Mark 9, Jesus challenged his disciples to understand how to live in a manner that models saving faith that keeps them from the punishment of hell. Jesus distinguished the act of causing another to stumble as an example of one destined for the heat instead of beating the heat. Thus, several verses show us how to beat the heat of eternal punishment. 

First, believers must WALK RESPONSIBLY. The believer must walk in a manner that sets an example for others and guard against causing others to stumble in their faith. Jesus used the concept of little ones to remind us that new or immature believers are suspectable to temptation and being led astray. As a result, believers must walk responsibly by not causing others to waver. The main idea centers on the concept of causing others to stumble by causing an unsettledness in their belief and allegiance to Christ. 

When believers walk responsibly, they attempt to remain clear and avoid confusion. According to 1 Corinthians, the desire comes because God is a God of peace and not of confusion. However, when confusion becomes a reality, then people face the temptation to retreat and run from their position with God. Thus, when a believer refuses to walk responsibly to others, they cause confusion that can lead to retreat. 

Second, believers must LIVE WISELY. When we live in this manner, our life becomes defined by sacrifice. We are aligned with Christ because of his sacrifice and live for him in a state of sacrifice. We set aside our desires and seek the ways of the Lord. The believer readily lays aside the longing of the flesh that exists because of a desired personal satisfaction and finds purpose and belonging in Christ. Thus, sacrifice becomes the motto of living wisely as a follower of Christ. 

Third, believers must know the FAILED OUTCOME. What happens when one does not live in a faith-based relationship with Jesus? Jesus clearly stated that the outcome would be eternal judgment and separation from the Lord forever in a place called Hell. Jesus defined this place as the final destination by referring to Gehenna. This place carried a reputation of torment because King Ahaz and Manasseh used it as a child sacrifice location, and King Josiah made it a dump. The base understanding is that Hell is a place of horrific activity and trash. 

In the same manner, Jesus defines hell with an eternal fire and an everlasting worm. The fires of Gehenna constantly burned. As a result, the constant nature of the fire at Gehenna mirrored the continuous, unending fire of Hell that would be a part of the torment of the wrath of God. Likewise, the worm metaphor points back to the prophet Isaiah and calls to the constant state of decay of torment in Hell. Jesus did not mince words or hold back on illustrations but desired to set a clear picture of what Hell truly is. 

The beautiful part of this understanding comes in the promise that we can BEAT THE HEAT we deserve. The punishment and wrath of Hell are avoidable through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Christ alone exists as the admission into heaven. No amount of work outweighs the weight of sin. Thus, victory comes through faith in Christ alone.

When one follows Christ, life does not automatically become easy. Instead, we become purified by walking through the fires of hardship and struggle. These moments refine us and form us to rely on the Lord more and walk more faithfully. As refining occurs, the salt nature of the believer is revealed. As salt, the believer continues to remain faithful to the Lord and declare the goodness of the Lord to others. Thus, we must beat the heat through Christ and invite others to beat the heat in declaring Christ. 

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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