Beyond Mere Belief
Read the Text: James 2
Memorize the Text:
Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, 2 keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that lay before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
(Hebrews 12:1-2, CSB)
Consider the Text: James 2:18-19
James calls believers to demonstrate evidence of genuine faith through their life activities. He understands that authentic faith leads to a transformed life as a follower of Christ. Thus, James mentioned that the declaration of faith is good, but the declaration alone does not show evidence of true faith; instead, a life full of transformed living demonstrates a relationship with Christ. He notes that two forms of belief exist: the belief that leads to salvation and the belief like demons lead to destruction. Let's understand the challenge of living beyond mere belief.
James mentions the faith of the demons. The demons' faith knows God's existence and even comprehends the coming destruction. The demons’ faith shudders at the Lord'sLord's presence and promises of destruction, but they have rejected to accept God's lordship. Such a faith exists in many people as well. They acknowledge the existence of Jesus and can tell many stories about Jesus, but they have rejected Him as Savior and as Lord. Thus, these individuals live in a faith that mirrors that of the demons. They live in a false belief because it rejects the fullness of believing in the Lord as Savior and Lord. Is your faith the same or different than the faith of demons?
Counter to the false belief, James calls people to live in an authentic faith that provides evidence of existence through the transformed life. The transformed life exists when the Lord changes the heart, actions, and desires of those who follow Him. This transformed life does not mean that one obtains perfection; instead, it demonstrates life on a journey to become more like Jesus. The actions of life reflect the presence of the Lord, and the desires they pursue honor the Lord. A transformed life does not occur through the achievement of goals or living a better, more moral life, but a transformed life comes through the work of the Lord in the believer who receives Jesus as both Lord and Savior. Thus, followers of Christ need to live separated from the world because of the transformed nature. Have you experienced the transformation available from the Lord through Christ?
James' challenge concerning faith ought to cause each of us to stop and evaluate our faith. We need to assess our actions, intents, and desires. These areas provide a snapshot into our life's depth and genuine nature in Christ. We must ensure that we receive Christ as Savior and as Lord and live in a manner that reflects his lordship. Are you living beyond mere belief and in a genuine, full belief?
James calls us to live out faith in a manner that glorifies the Lord. He charges us to show the presence of Christ in our lives and allow our lives to support the testimony of Christ; we declare and reflect the greatness of Christ in our lives. Don't fall prey to living in mere belief, but instead, living transformed.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at