Dealing with the Unexpected

Read the Text: Matthew 1

Memorize the Text:   Don’t think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. (Matthew 5:17)

 Consider the Text: Matthew 1:18-25

Matthew 1 is filled with the unexpected. In the lineage of Jesus, we find three unexpected women mentioned. Joseph, engaged to Mary, discovers that his bride-to-be is with child and that the child is not his. These are the unexpected. The reality is that each of us faces moments of the unexpected. There are moments when our plans go awry. We face various unexpected moments, and our perceptions differ from reality. 

Matthew 1:18-21 tells the story of Joseph's discovery of Mary's pregnancy and his response to the moment. God uses this experience to teach us about facing and dealing with the unexpected in a manner that relies upon and rests in Him. This is because, ultimately, this story tells us about the character and working of God. 

Read verse 18 and notice the various truths about our response to situations. First, Joseph begins the story with excitement. He is preparing for his wedding day and very soon he and Mary will start a life together. The anticipation and excitement continue to grow. Then, at this pivotal climax, Joseph makes a shocking discovery. 

Mary was found to be with child. Notice the second emotion, shock. From the climax of excitement to the moment of shocking unbelief. This is a time when Joseph would battle the lies of appearance that would cause pain. Joseph believed the evidence showed that Mary had been unfaithful. He was concerned about what others would think. So often face shocking moments that break our expectations and threaten our image, among others. These moments cause pain and are often driven by perception and not reality. 

Joseph was facing a moment of crisis. He battled the perception of the self-versus the reality of what God was doing. The earthly perception of this moment declares that Mary has been unfaithful to Joseph and, as a result, should face shame. The reality is that God is at work and carrying out a plan that only makes sense in heavenly logic. We deal with the same tension. We perceive the dynamics of the moment through the world's eyes instead of seeking the Lord for heavenly reality. 

Every unexpected moment comes with a choice. The choice is simple, respond according to the ways of the world or follow the ways of the Lord in faith. Joseph faced the same choice. Matthew 1 explains that Joseph decided to separate from Mary in a manner that would not shame her. This response reveals the character of Joseph but also sets the stage to reveal how the logic of humanity is different than the logic of God. 

It is in this moment that the Lord brings clarification. God was not late or early, but he was on time with the message. I am sure that Joseph wished the message had come earlier, but this was not God's plan. These are the moments that God uses to shape us and prepare us. The Lord clarified His plan to Joseph and provided a command for obedience. Thus, in the moment of painful, unexpected events, God reached into the life of Joseph for a greater purpose.

God uses unexpected moments for His glory and purpose. This does not make the moments less painful or difficult, but it should provide hope. Hope that comes because God promises to be with His children and never abandon them. Hope that extends from the truth that God is at work in the moment and is doing something extraordinary. Embrace the unexpected moments.

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


When God Intervenes