What Is A Pleasing Faith?

Read the Text: Mark 7

Memorize the Text:   If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. (Mark 3:24)

Consider the Text: Mark 7:23-37

What does a faith that pleases Jesus look like? Many people have thoughts and ideas about what a pleasing faith looks like and acts like, but in Mark 7, Jesus engaged two individuals who demonstrated what a pleasing faith truly is. Mark introduced two individuals who needed Jesus to heal them, and their approach of Jesus teaches us the characteristics of pleasing faith. 

Mark told of a woman who needed Jesus to act on behalf of her daughter. This engagement demonstrated four characteristics concerning the ATTITUDE OF A PLEASING FAITH. The first mark of such a faith is pursuit. The woman pursued Jesus immediately because she recognized that any delay could lead to dire situations. Thus, she sought Jesus with a great passion because she was motivated by her daughter's condition. When one lives in a pleasing faith, then the pursuit of Jesus dominates everything else. 

A second characteristic of the attitude of a pleasing faith is that such a faith is not proud. The woman fell at the feet of Jesus and pleaded for the Lord to work. The bowing at his feet represented the understanding of a proper position in the presence of the Lord. Likewise, she requested the Lord to respond instead of demanding action. She did not feel as if the Lord owed her, but instead, she approached with humility. Do we approach Jesus with a humble attitude or that of entitlement?

The third mark of the attitude of a pleasing faith is that of persistence. The woman was driven by the desperation of her daughter's situation. As a result, the woman would not allow any barrier to stop her from getting to Jesus. The persistence revealed that she trusted Jesus and knew that he alone could work in the way her daughter needed. Therefore, the woman could not and would not be hindered from experiencing Jesus. 

The fourth characteristic of a pleasing faith is the powerful nature of such a faith. Jesus responded to the pleasing faith of the woman in a powerful manner. He responded because she demonstrated a great faith that pursued him with persistence and humility. The response of Jesus showed how he remains ready to respond to the one who approached him with a pleasing faith. This does not mean that every request is granted but means that he responds according to his will and way in the life of the one living in a pleasing faith. 

The second event in this passage revealed the ACTION OF A PLEASING FAITH. The action of a pleasing faith is dominated by prayer. Mark shared how the man "looked up to heaven" indicated that he participated in seeking the Lord in prayer. The man understood that prayer existed as a child speaking with his Father and trusting the Lord to respond accordingly. Thus, a primary activity is an authentic prayer if we live in a pleasing faith before the Lord. 

A pleasing faith is a faith that proclaims. Jesus told the man to tell no one of the healing act. The work of Jesus impacted the gentleman so greatly that silence was not an option. He had to declare because Jesus had touched him. In the same manner, we receive the touch of Jesus in salvation. A faith that pleases the Lord proclaims this engagement because the healing touch of Jesus alters life. Are you living touched by Jesus? If so, are you remaining silent or being vocal concerning the work of Christ in your life?

The passage also revealed the ANTICIPATION OF A PLEASING FAITH. A pleasing faith carries an expectation of living in a proper attitude. A pleasing faith is an authentic faith because it centers on the person of Christ and responds to him correctly. We come to him crying out to others that they may receive salvation and the gift of eternal life. We seek the Lord to understand that he alone provides the needed eternal cure. As a result, we find ourselves serving him in action because of our relationship with Jesus. Thus, we need to ask ourselves today, "Am I living a faith that is pleasing before the Lord?"

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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