Don’t Miss the Harvest
Read the Text: Matthew 9
Memorize the Text: Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into the harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38)
Consider the Text: Matthew 9:37-38
Jesus declared that "the harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:37-38, CSB). This declaration sends the reminder that believers hold a responsibility to respond to the needed work in the harvest. Just before this statement, Jesus demonstrated the characteristics of a harvester as he journeyed and ministered in various towns and villages. When we read Matthew 9:35-38, we come to the truth that each of us holds an important responsibility to labor in the harvest. Let's notice three important realities for harvesting.
First, we must SEE THE NEED to gather the harvest. Jesus spoke about the ripeness and readiness of the field for harvest. The characteristics of a readied harvest include people that are distressed, dejected, and act as sheep without a shepherd. These characteristics exist because of the field's lost nature prepared for harvest. The field is full of individuals needing hope and the gospel.
When farmers prepare for harvest, they must identify the crop is ready by looking at the crop and investigating the readiness. So likewise, we need to see the need of people separated from Christ and hopelessly living in their sinful condition. Therefore, the investigation of the field should motivate our participation in the evangelistic work of the harvest since we see the need for the job. Thus, Jesus tells us to recognize that the fields are ready to harvest because people need the gospel amid their distress, dejection, and lostness.
Second, we must WORK in the gathering of the harvest. Jesus modeled ministry for his disciples. Matthew noted that Jesus ministered to both the physical and spiritual needs of people he engaged as he journeyed town to town. He interacted with the white fields through teaching and preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God and ministering to the sickness and diseases that individuals faced. Jesus engaged with the intended purpose of harvest in the fields.
Today, we must be prepared to follow the example set forth by Christ. When we identify the fields white for the harvest, we ought to labor to gather the harvest. We are motivated by compassion because of the dire situation of those in the field and seek to engage them with the good news and minister to their needs to point them to Christ. When a crop matures and needs harvesting, the farmer must respond or the crop ruins. So likewise, we must respond to the ripened fields before the time becomes too late.
Third, we must PRAY for the work of gathering the harvest. The ability to sustain the work in the fields comes only from the Lord. Jesus called his disciples to pray for the harvest and, more specifically, the sending of laborers. The significance of this command deals with the field and the laborers. Jesus noted that the harvest is abundant. The term points to the large size of the harvest. The idea of abundance reveals that the task is more significant than one single individual. The harvest is a constant activity of evangelistic work because the harvest readiness is abundant.
Jesus commanded us to pray for the laborers. Such a prayer centers on the hearing of the calling of the Lord and the obedient response in following him. At the same time, we pray for the strength of the Lord to empower and guide the laborers as they enter the field for the work. We are to pray for the Lord to use us for the work and participate in his field labor. Thus, we pray that we become the instruments of harvest in the hands of the Lord.
We live in a world in need of the gospel. Yet, due to sin, people live in distress and dejection. They wander as sheep who have no shepherd. As followers of Christ, we receive the call to pray for and participate in the harvest work. We must see the fields as ready and engage the work in faithfulness. How do you see the world today? Are you seeing a world in need of a Savior, or do you see a barren field? Are you committed to praying and participating in the harvest?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at