God’s Employee Credentials
Read the Text: John 17
Memorize the Text: Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Consider the Text: John 17:20-23
When searching for a job, one of the main objectives centers on understanding what the employer desires from their employees. Knowing these objectives provides the ability to understand what the employer desires to consider the job fulfilled. Yet, when we think about this dynamic, do we ever pause and ask what God expects from his children? John 17 provides five of those expectations.
The initial credential is to GIVE FREELY. The expectation of giving freely comes from the reality that all that one has comes from the Lord. The act of giving freely occurs when one gives graciously because of the Lord’s gracious blessing poured out in the believer's life. Thus, freely giving happens because of the understanding of God’s great care for each of his children.
The greatest act of giving freely centers on the gospel. We received the gift of the gospel freely and the command to extend that gift freely to others. In the Book of Acts, Simon the Magician attempted to purchase the gift of the Holy Spirit to pad his own pockets. The Apostle Peter confronted him and declared that the gift of the gospel is not bought and sold but freely given and received.
A second credential is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. The act of love toward others demonstrates the love of Christ. The ability to love others exists because God has extended love to us. The love of God compels us to love others because that illuminates Christ and mirrors his love toward us. As a result, our love of others needs to look like God’s love. We ought to love unconditionally and attempt to see others through the eyes of Jesus. This does not mean that we always agree with one’s beliefs or lifestyle choices, but it means that we extend love to others based on the truth and character of Christ.
A third credential is to be a DISCIPLE. When we become part of God’s family through a relationship with Jesus Christ, we enter the role of a disciple. A disciple is a learner and student. Thus, the disciple seeks to know the commands of the Lord and desires to follow them. In addition, the disciple wants to learn from the Master and live that out. This learning occurs as the disciple studies the commands of the Lord and seeks to know them and place them into practice in life. To be an effective disciple, the believer attempts to remain teachable because the disciple continually learns from the Master.
A fourth credential is to be OBEDIENT. The believer obeys the ways, will, and commands of the Lord. This credential is marked by a heart of surrender. The followers surrender their will and desire to live out God’s desires fully. Obedience does not exist as a choice but comes as an expectation for the disciple. The act of obedience reflects one’s trust in the Lord and absolute surrender to him.
A fifth credential is to LIVE OUR CALVARY LOVE. When believers live in faithfulness, they love in a manner that shows the love on Calvary. Calvary love is marked by sacrificial love because it leads to the willful offering of the self for the sake of the Kingdom of God and others. Calvary love is steadfast love as it remains strong and steady through the most difficult of trials and struggles. When we live our Calvary love, we love simply because love does not rest on one’s attitude or actions toward us but rests merely in Christ.
God expects his children to be followers who give freely, love one another, practice discipleship, follow obediently, and live out Calvary love. This approach to living is costly and difficult, but it is the expectation of our Savior and Lord. What credentials do you need to commit to growing? What steps will you take to develop these credentials?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.