Faith Molds

Read the Text: Romans 5

Memorize the Text:  

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

(Romans 6:23, CSB)

Consider the Text: Romans 5:1-5

Faith exists as a constant part of one’s life. The presence of faith serves as a continuous change agent as we pursue a life of becoming more like Christ. The highs and lows of life aid in the construction of one’s development in Christ as they serve as constant reminders of the work of Christ, the availability of life through Christ, and the presence of Christ in our lives daily. In Romans 5, the apostle Paul speaks about how faith molds us to live in the reality of peace.

The apostle Paul discussed how faith brings the PROCUREMENT of peace in Romans 5:1-2. The procurement of peace does not come through the works of humanity. Every attempt by humanity to achieve the status of peace fails and falls short. As a result, peace only becomes procured through Christ alone through faith. If we procure peace, the process begins with recognizing the state of being at odds with God. Understanding our status as a rebel opens the pathway to understanding the excellent availability of gaining peace with God through Christ. This access to God comes through the justification that extends from a faith-based relationship with Christ and provides the ability to stand before the Lord.

Paul noted that faith brings the PASSAGE of peace in Romans 5:3-5a. Peace does not mean difficulty and pain are absent. While living in the peace of the Lord, we still battle pain, grief, stress, and difficulty in this world. These events aid in molding as they force us to develop and deepen our faith in the Lord and dependency upon him. Thus, our faith becomes defined by endurance. The endurance of our faith pushes the development of Christian character, and such character leads to living in proper peace. Thus, the passage of peace is a constant journey of development into life, becoming closer to the Lord.

The apostle detailed how faith brings the PRESENCE of peace in Romans 5:5b-6. Peace occurs as part of God pouring out his love and lavishing it upon us without restraint. This becomes fully experienced by the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit provides an assurance and a constant outpouring. This presence comes offered because of the work of Christ. Christ did what we could not accomplish in our weakened, sinful state. This occurred at the right time according to the perfect plan of God. Thus, we have peace from the presence of the Lord through the Holy Spirit.

As we think about the impact of faith on life, may we evaluate the presence of faith in our lives. May we investigate how God molds us and how we grow in our relationship with Christ. So, how is God molding you? Are you in a position to be molded because of faith in Christ? Are you living in the peace that comes from the Lord?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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