Carry Out the Family Name

Read the Text: 2 Timothy 1

Memorize the Text:  

Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of eternal life to which you were called and about which you have made a good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

(1 Timothy 6:12, CSB)

Consider the Text: 2 Timothy 1:5, 13-14

The apostle Paul wrote a second letter to Timothy to encourage his ministry in the local church. Paul desired to send words of encouragement that not only built Timothy up but the words provided a challenge and a charge to Timothy to remain firm in his calling. Through the letter, the apostle Paul leaned into the concept of a legacy by commanding Timothy to live out the faith of his mother, grandmother, and mentor. The charge extends to believers today to carry out the family name by living out the spiritual legacy of believers who have gone before us.


Timothy grew up under the influence of the faith of his mother, Eunice, and his grandmother Lois. The apostle Paul knew of their faith because of its authentic and genuine nature that both lived out. Their relationship with the Lord controlled their lives, and Timothy gained training from each of them. He grew in his faith through watching and learning from the faith of his mother and grandmother. As a result, Paul called Timothy to live out the faith he had learned from these two faithful women.

Today, some individuals have the experience of growing up with strong Christian parents. If this is the case in your life, hear the apostle's charge to live out the faith they helped you grow in and modeled for you. On the other hand, if you grew up without this experience, commit to changing the dynamics and be the spiritual leader for those coming behind you.


The apostle knew that Timothy also gained wisdom and spiritual guidance through the mentorship he provided. Paul took strategic time to teach Timothy the ways of the Lord and the truth of the Word and provided wisdom for navigating pastoral leadership. This mentorship existed because Paul knew he needed to be a disciple who discipled other believers. Thus, Timothy ministered out of a legacy of the spiritual leadership of the apostle Paul.

Some spiritual leaders influence each of our lives. For example, you may have a Sunday School teacher or a pastor who has taken the time and engaged with you. These individuals pour into your life so that you would grow and mature in faith and obedience. As they mentor us, we must seek to train and mentor others.


The legacy poured into the life of Timothy existed as a deposit because of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Paul challenged Timothy to guard this deposit. Thus, the apostle meant that Timothy needed to watch out for threats that may come against his faith and take steps to protect his walk with the Lord. The ability to guard comes from the power of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom gained through his training and mentoring experience. Thus, he guards this impact to impact the lives of others.

Are you making efforts to guard your faith? Are you putting practical steps in place to defend the deposit that has been placed in you so you can live out the truth? We must seek to live out the legacy of those who have gone before us, living out faith. We must strive to become not only legacy fulfillers but legacy influencers. How are you fulfilling your legacy? How are you a legacy influencer?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


Engage the Next Generation


Fighting the Good Fight