Final Instructions

Read the Text: 1 Corinthians 16

Memorize the Text:  

Now these three remain: faith, hope, and love – but the greatest of these is love.

(1 Corinthians 13:13, CSB)

Consider the Text: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

When someone concludes a speech or writing, they often end with a challenge from or summation of the discussion. These words in the conclusion provide a lasting impact and serve as a vital reminder of the topics addressed. In 1 Corinthians 16, the apostle Paul concludes this letter to the church in Corinth. Through this closing portion of the letter, the apostle identifies five charges he gives to the church and believers today. These charges served as action steps to aid in living out the truths discussed in the letter.


The apostle Paul knew that threats surrounded believers. Temptation came from internal and external sources as believers sought to navigate their relationship with the Lord. Therefore, the apostle charged the church to be watchful to identify the oncoming threats so they could navigate dealing with each. Being attentive means that one constantly lives on guard, looking for oncoming threats so that each is met appropriately.

The call to watchfulness continues today. We must watch for the places in life where we face temptation and the enemy. We can navigate the threats more efficiently when we identify the enemy and oncoming temptation. Thus, we need to take the action of standing watch as we journey through life. 


Paul charged believers to face the presence of temptation and spiritual warfare by standing firm in the faith. Standing firm occurs when the believer constructs their life on the foundation of Christ and not on humanity's traditions or religious activities. The ability to stand firm exists only when standing on a foundation that remains certain. This means that Paul challenges believers to stand firm in faith by constructing their life on Christ alone.

The threat of tradition and religious activities still threaten people to construct a life on religions instead of a relationship with the Lord. Yet, as followers of Christ, we can find ourselves trusting in events, activities, and traditions in the church instead of in the truth of the Word and the foundation of Christ. Thus, Paul still calls believers today to be watchful for the threat so they can stand firm in the faith.


The apostle understood the importance of spiritual maturity and growth. Previously, Paul addressed the need to mature in the faith and not to live with a stunted spiritual growth that left one as a spiritual infant. When the apostle charged the believers to act like men, he called them to spiritual maturity and to live like adults in the faith. This meant that the childish ways had passed, and each believer lived as one who had matured and continued to mature in their relationship with Christ.

The same charge extends to believers today. The apostle would challenge us to overcome the threat of easy-believism and being stuck in spiritual infancy. Instead, he charges us today to grow up in the faith. To move beyond the elementary principles and to grow in spiritual wisdom and action. He calls us to act like adults in the faith and not become stuck in spiritual infancy.


Paul’s charge to be strong means one remains strong because they trust the Lord for their strength. The church in Corinth faced different temptations and trials. They dealt with the division within the body and a culture that desired to see the church silenced. Paul knew that the church could not remain faithful in its ability, but the needed strength came from the Lord.

Today, the same source of strength exists. The apostle would still command us today to be strong by trusting and living in the strength of the Lord. When we attempt to live in our strength, we fail because of the limited nature of our strength. The strength of the Lord exists as steady and as enough for whatever we face. Thus, we must hear and respond to the charge to be strong.


Paul expanded on the concept of love in his first letter to the church in Corinth. This expansion on love detailed the importance of love in every relationship. Paul described the importance of allowing love to guide the believer's life. The needed guidance in love comes from the love of the Lord as it becomes extended to God’s children. Thus, the apostle called the church in Corinth to allow the love of God to drive them as a church.

The church today needs to rely upon and live in the love of God. They must allow the love of Christ to guide their actions and bond their unity. Love does not exist by the definition of humanity but as God's perfect love. When the love of God guides us, we become controlled by the perfect love of God that guides us in every activity and relationship in life.

Take a moment today to analyze your life. Are you standing watch over your life? Are you constructing your life on the firm foundation of Christ? Are you living in a mature relationship with the Lord? Are you trusting in the strength of the Lord? Are you allowing the love of God to lead and guide you in life?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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