Firmly Grounded

Read the Text: 2 Thessalonians 2

Memorize the Text:  

But we ought to thank God always for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God has closed you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and through belief in truth.

(2 Thessalonians 2:13, CSB)

Consider the Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:15

The world brings forth temptation against believers to stand in uncertainty. The world challenges believers' thoughts, beliefs, and morals and attempts to cause them to adjust or reject their beliefs. The apostle Paul knew that this tension came because of the evil one who wages war against the followers of Christ. He knew Satan desired to tear down and deconstruct what the Lord constructs. Thus, the apostle charged believers to stand firm. This command remains today and provides a calling for us.


The apostle Paul commanded the believers in Thessalonica to stand firm. The ability to stand firm exists because of the foundation one rests on. If a person attempts to construct their life on a flimsy, shifting foundation, then their life remains in constant flux and uncertainty. This reality occurs even if the individual plants their feet solid on the uncertain ground because the ground gives away. Thus, the apostle calls them to plant it firmly into the ground that remains solid. Jesus identified this ground as the rock. Therefore, to stand firm happens when we firmly plant our lives on the solid rock of Christ.


The apostle Paul challenged the believers to stand firm in what they had been taught. The early believers had received the message of the gospel and responded to the message positively. Thus, by faith, they entered into a relationship with Jesus. Paul’s charge pushed them toward trusting in this faith and not abandoning it. When believer stands firm in the faith, they trust Jesus even when they do not fully understand. They walk by faith, understand they exist on a need-to-know basis, and are to continue walking in faithfulness even when they do not know. Are you standing firm in the faith? Are you holding on to the truth that you have been taught? Are you trusting Jesus completely? 


The concept of standing firm also reveals the need to stand firm against the enemy when temptation and struggle appear. The apostle identified Satan earlier in the passage and reminded the believers of the threat. As Satan attacks, believers need to stand firm and not retreat. The ability to stand firm occurs when one rests in Jesus and holds firm in the belief that guarantees victory over the Evil One in Christ. Today, we must not flee when Satan attacks. Instead, we must stand firm in Christ and trust the Lord for victory. Do you stand firm when the war occurs? 


The evidence of standing firm does not occur in one’s verbal declaration; instead, the evidence becomes known when one lives out the truth. Life speaks volumes about where one places their hopes and faith. Thus, when the believer battles to live out truth, they make the exemplary declaration of trusting God. So, how are you standing firm by living out the faith?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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