The Strength of Weakness

Read the Text: 2 Corinthians 12

Memorize the Text:  

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me

(2 Corinthians 12:9, CSB)

Consider the Text: 2 Corinthians 12:6-10

People often frown about weakness. They desire to be strong and to demonstrate a life of strength. The strength people of the world discuss consists of physical and emotional strength that provides them with the capability to perform a specific task well. Such an approach to life opens the doors for boasting that centers on the self and ignoring one’s need for the Lord. The apostle Paul challenged believers today to understand that genuine strength occurs in weakness.

God’s Grace is More Than Enough

God’s grace is constant and more than enough to cover the frailty of the flesh. Paul’s declaration of God’s grace emphasizes the goodness of God. Though the flesh exists weakened in sin, God’s grace covers the gravest of dynamics and provides hope and life. Thus, no one can say that their sin or weaknesses are too great for the Lord to work and forgive. His grace covers the multitude and depth of our needs.

Paul’s mention of God’s grace centers around his acknowledgment of the thorn in the flesh with which he struggles. The apostle reveals that the promise of God’s grace provides the needed encouragement not to become discouraged by the weakness but instead to boast in the grace and goodness of the Lord and his working in one’s thorn in the flesh. Thus, we need to understand today that the grace of God is more than enough and that he constantly works in our weaknesses.  

Power is Perfected in Our Weakness

The apostle Paul declared power is perfected in one’s weakness. This statement appears to contradict itself because how can power come through weakness? The moment of weakness provides excellent insight into one’s life. This state reveals one inability to overcome the struggle with sin in one’s power. It points to the need for help to have victory and deal with one’s weakness. The weakness allows an individual to adjust their gaze to the Lord and seek His help instead of relying on the self.

Power is perfected because strength comes from the Lord. The power does not carry the limitations of the flesh because it is power from the Lord. The Lord’s power does not fade or disappear; His power accompanies the believer. In the book of Acts, we see this through the miracles performed by the Apostles because of the presence of the Holy Spirit. This same presence and power live in the life of believers today. Thus, the need for power comes from the Lord and ultimately becomes perfected because of our weaknesses and reliance upon the Lord.  

Rejoice in the Moments of Weakness

Paul challenged the church in Corinth to rejoice in the moments of weakness because these times opened the opportunity to experience the power of the Lord. Paul’s choice to boast about his weaknesses means that he acknowledges his issues and struggles and illuminates Christ through the declaration of the Lord’s power in one’s weakness. Thus, trusting in the Lord and declaring His power and grace in our weakness opens the door to worship and to share.

What thorn in the flesh plagues you as you think about your life? What weakness attempts to bring you to the place of defeat? The Lord promises His children that His grace is more than enough and that He provides the needed power to overcome their weaknesses. Are you trusting in His grace and power today? Are you boasting in the moment of weakness because of God’s greatness? Take a moment and rejoice in the Lord for His grace and strength today.

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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