Scripture Guards Legacy
Read the Text: 2 Timothy 3
Memorize the Text:
Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of eternal life to which you were called and about which you have made a good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
(1 Timothy 6:12, CSB)
Consider the Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The apostle Paul charged Timothy to live out the legacy in 2 Timothy 1 and commanded him to participate in legacy-making in chapter 2 by training the next generation. The apostle declared that Scripture would serve as the guardrails for legacy-making and would be the instrument to promote the training in chapter 3. Paul knew that God’s Word is necessary for training because God inspires it and is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training. Scripture continues to guard the process of legacy-making today. Thus, we must ask if we are resting upon the Word of God to train others and to continue to walk in the training of becoming more like Christ.
Paul told Timothy that God inspires every portion of Scripture. The inspiration of the Lord means that God provided the needed words, thoughts, and truth that the authors of each work penned. Since the Word of God exists as inspired, we can trust the Word as the primary instrument to train the next generation to serve the Lord. Yet, at the same time, we must allow Scripture to serve as the guardrails for our personal lives and the training of others. Do you hold to the inspired nature of God’s Word? Do you allow Scripture to serve as the guardrail in living out the legacy and serving as a legacy-maker?
The apostle declared to Timothy that Scripture not only served as the guardrail for legacy-making but must become the primary source used in training in truth. Paul used four key identifiers that mark the “training in the truth” nature of God’s Word: teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training.
Scripture contains the resource and content needed to provide teaching toward righteousness. The teaching nature offers the truth that a believer must develop and live out in life. When we allow the Word of God to be the teaching instrument, we rest in what the Lord declares and not what humanity believes God declares. Thus, Scripture provides a message from the perfect teacher. Are you allowing the Word to teach you truth, or do you seek to find information in other locations?
Scripture is absolute truth. As truth, the Word of God reveals thoughts and false teachings that counter the truth and need to be confronted. The rebuking nature of the Word of God challenges the errors of doctrine and teachings. The rebuking nature exists to lead one to a place of repentance and course correction concerning truth. What untruth have you allowed into life and needs rebuking? How could you use the Word of God to confront someone concerning a false belief?
Scripture serves as a correcting tool. The concept of correcting indicates that the Word of God promotes the process of restoring that which needs restoration. Thus, the Scripture pushes us to identify where we walk waywardly from the Lord and provides the avenue back to walking in step with the Lord. As you engage the Word of God, what wayward places need correcting? In legacy-making, are you trusting in the correcting nature of God’s Word to provide the avenue back into life in step with the Lord?
Scripture serves as a training tool that leads to righteousness. As a training tool, Scripture provides instruction on how to live in righteousness, which means we live in the ways of the Lord. As God’s revelation to humanity, Scripture provides God’s desires for humanity on how to navigate and live life. Where do you seek to gain insight on how to live? Do you trust life lessons from people, activities, and classes in this world or the Word of God?
The apostle Paul noted that Scripture provides the needed insight, training, and truth to live out the ways of the Lord. He declared that the Word of God guided individuals toward completion which means it provides the roadmap to become more like the Lord and that it provided the needed training to carry out the work of the Lord. What instruments do you rely upon to become better at carrying out the will of the Lord in your life? How could you become more reliant upon the Word of God for training?
The apostle Paul knew the necessity of living out the legacy of those who poured into your life and the command to be a legacy-maker through engaging in the lives of others. Paul knew the task may seem daunting and difficult but reminds us that God has provided us with the needed guardrails and manual for training in His Word. Thus, we must commit to making the Word central in our lives.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at