Kissed the Door to Heaven and Went Straight to Hell

Read the Text: Matthew 26

Memorize the Text:   Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Consider the Text: Matthew 26:17-25, 47-56

A difference exists between knowing Jesus personally and knowing about Jesus. In Matthew 26, we find that Jesus faces the final hours before his arrest, death, burial, and resurrection. In the middle of Matthew’s description of these events, we find the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot. The moment of betrayal occurred through the intimate encounter of a kiss. Judas knew a lot about Jesus but did not authentically know Jesus. This occurrence serves as a warning that the threat of Churchianity ought to be battled against to be faithful in following Christ. 

Judas LEARNED about Jesus. Judas walked with Jesus as one of the twelve disciples. As a result, Judas learned about the love and desire of Jesus through the ministry he carried out. Judas learned about the need to go and serve the kingdom of God. He experienced the miracles of Jesus as the Son of God engaged people throughout his ministry. Judas learned how to pray and how to seek the Lord. Judas would have known a lot about the person, ministry, and teaching of Christ. Yet, knowing about Jesus is not enough. 

Judas SERVED the mission of Jesus. Judas followed Jesus as his Rabbi. He traveled where Jesus went and ministered along with Jesus. Judas received his ministry training from Jesus, not the Pharisees or other religious teachers. He did not go to a seminary or place of education but instead learned from the Master by serving and learning through hands-on experience. Judas identified as a disciple and served with Jesus but did not know Jesus. Judas demonstrates that serving Jesus does not guarantee that one knows Jesus.  

Judas APPEARED to be with Jesus. Judas traveled with Jesus and the other disciples. Outwardly, the crowds would identify him as a follower of Christ. He did the work, followed the Master’s leading, took care of the treasury, and looked the part. Elsewhere in the New Testament, we find that Jesus called Judas a thief, pointing to Jesus knowing the true Judas. Judas could fool the world concerning his relationship with Jesus, but he could not fool Christ. Like Judas, the world may be fooled by the appearance of one following Jesus, but Christ knows the truth.

Judas KISSED the door of heaven but went straight to hell. Judas’ relationship with Jesus existed on activity, appearance, and service but did not exist due to a personal relationship with Christ. He walked with Jesus daily yet lived eternally separated from him. The kiss of betrayal did not merely turn Jesus over to the authorities, but it revealed how one can be so close to Jesus and yet eternally distant. Judas had the correct answers and experience, but he did not have an intimate personal relationship. Likewise, people, today can have church membership, serve the local church, have the correct answers, and be headed to eternal separation because a personal relationship with Jesus does not exist. 

Judas serves as a warning to evaluate your relationship with Jesus. Are you basing your relationship with the Lord on your faithful activity or identification with a local body of believers? Are you resting in your appearance of faithfulness? Though serving is critical in the believer's life, the believer first and foremost has an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior. As you look at your life today, are you following Jesus in faithfulness, or are you kissing the door of heaven and heading straight to hell?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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