A Labor of Love
Read the Text: Galatians 4
Memorize the Text:
I say, then, walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want. Bit if you are led by the Spirit, you are no under the law.
(Galatians 5:16-18, CSB)
Consider the Text: Galatians 4:12-20
Have you ever poured your life into something only to see the venture fail? Maybe you created a school project only to have someone hit the table and ruin it. Perhaps you worked on a business project only to have a co-worker destroy it. The same moments happen when we invest in others' spiritual journeys. We pour into their life and desire for them to grow, yet sometimes, we find them failing. The apostle Paul faced this reality with the recipients of his Galatians letter. He has invested in them significantly, yet they continue to fall away. Paul's example demonstrates how we must continue to labor in love despite this hurdle.
Share from the Heart
The apostle Paul opened up to the churches in Asia Minor and shared from the depths of his heart. This message came as a plea for them to follow his example and become as he is. He charged them to put aside the snare of the law and the elementary principles in life and to seek to live in obedience before the Lord. Paul's declaration carries a deep passion because he understood the snare of the law and the freedom of living in Christ. He wanted this experience for these believers.
Paul has a deep concern because the people have reverted to the law. Thus, the believers have forgotten the value of salvation and sought to live under bondage instead of the freedom in salvation. Paul's cry to them is one of repentance. He wants them to return to Christ. To leave their life under the law and experience the trueness of the freedom of salvation. Paul modeled the passion that should drive believers today to speak into the lives of people who claim to follow Christ but live trapped by the snare of sin and the law.
Let the Heart Provide Passion for the Mission
The apostle declares that one's passion for Christ that flows from the heart will give passion to the mission. Paul knew that difficulties would always arise, and trials were the norm. Yet, these difficulties do not provide a reason to abort the task that the Lord extends to his own. Thus, the apostle states with boldness that weakness and sickness do not provide an excuse for abandoning the mission set forth by the Lord.
Paul called them to recognize that excuses must not exist because they lead to disobedience before the Lord. These excuses provide avenues to avoid the Lord's calling and place too much value on the self. God works in weakened vessels because he is the needed strength to carry out the mission he gives. Thus, we must not seek to live in the disobedience of using excuses to deal with the difficulties and weaknesses before us, but we must rest in the strength of the Lord and be driven by our passion for him.
A Labor of Love Might Be Painful
Paul experiences pain because of the reverting of the church in Asia Minor. He hurts because the believers are concerned with obeying the Jewish religious leaders instead of the Lord. This deep passion for the spiritual development of the believers leaves Paul in deep pain for their spiritual well-being. Paul has a deep passion for the Christians to be formed in Christ and become more like him.
Do we long like the apostle Paul for Christ to be formed in us and the lives of other believers? Are we seeking to be formed through a labor of love that leads to walking in obedience? This occurs when we commit to seeking the Lord daily through spending time in his Word and with him. This form of life comes as we seek to live sacrificially before the Lord. Thus, do we desire the forming of the Lord in us?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.