Live Different
Read the Text: Acts 21
Memorize the Text: Therefore, having overlooked the times of ignorance, God now commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has set a day when he is going to judge the world in righteousness by the man he has appointed. He has provided proof of this to everyone by his raising him from the dead. (Acts 17:30-21)
Consider the Text: Acts 21
As the early church sought to follow Jesus, the believers needed to live in a manner that separated them from the pagan and Jewish world. The life of the believer ought to center around the faithfulness of following Christ and living according to the ways of the Lord while pursuing to be more like Christ. In Acts 21, we find that the early believers were seeking to live differently from the world and model a life that lives dedicated to the Lord.
The early believers lived a life for Christ that was NOTICABLE. The approach to life and the parameters they set in their life separated them from the world. This lifestyle stood out in a world of pagan ideology and Jewish thought. Living for Christ focused on living in faithfulness to the ways of Christ, and as a result, the world could see Christ living in the believer. When the early believers set themselves apart due to Christ, the world took notice.
When Christians today live for Jesus, they need to seek to live in a manner that exists as noticeable before the world. The approach to life needs to be different from the world, and the people of the world ought to see a difference. Thus, a believer should stand out because of the grace, mercy, and love that flow from their life because of Christ in their life.
The early believers lived a life for Christ that was DESIRABLE. The life of the believers drew the attention of the world surrounding them because their approach to life was desirable. When persecution was faced with joy and peace, the world took notice. When believers abstained from the world's debauchery, the people took notice. This different lifestyle opened intrigue and existed as desirable for those looking from the outside in.
Today, Christians need to live in a manner that exists as desirable for the outside world. When the believer's approach to situations in the world and their worldview stand different, the world often desires to have the joy and peace demonstrated by the believer. When believers live a noticeable life, they need to seek to live a desirable life for those around them. May others want what they see in believers.
The early believers lived a life pursuing HOLINESS. Pursuing holiness means that believers seek to become more like Jesus each day. They dove into spiritual growth and wanted to grow in grace and knowledge. When the believer pursued holiness, they wanted to live a noticeable and desirable life because their life was one set apart. The pursuit of holiness sets the stage for a life that exists as noticeable and desirable because it provides the needed growth to become more like Christ each day.
Today, believers need to continue the pursuit of holiness. There needs to be a setting apart for the Lord and an intentional focus on growing to become more like Christ. When believers today set the course toward holiness, they commit to becoming more like Jesus in every component of their life. Thus, if we desire to live a life noticed by the world and desired by those of the world, we must commit to pursuing holiness.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at