Live It Out
Read the Text: 1 Timothy 4
Memorize the Text:
For there is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, a testimony at the proper time.
(1 Timothy 2:5-6, CSB)
Consider the Text: 1 Timothy 4:12
The apostle Paul challenged Timothy not to allow his age to become a deterrent to his ministry. Instead, the apostle called the young believer to live out his life in Christ before others. This style of life reflects the reality of Jesus and seeks to honor him and share his truth with those engaged. The apostle provides five areas Timothy ought to attempt to live out, and these five categories exist as areas we should pursue to live out for Christ.
Paul challenged Timothy to reflect on Christ in his speech. The concept of speech centers on the use of words. The speech of the believer needs to represent their relationship with the Lord and remain under the leadership of the Lord. The use of words can destroy one’s witness before others or build it up. The believer's words need to glorify the Lord, build up fellow believers, and speak the truth in love to reach others for Christ. If you were to analyze the words you speak, type, or text, would they reflect the world or Jesus?
The apostle charged Timothy to live out his faith in conduct. When Timothy’s speech centered on Christ, his life needed to affirm his declarations. This truth meant that Timothy needed to allow his life to be guarded by the parameters and truth of God’s Word. He needed to show Jesus at work in his life. Paul knew that the actions of one’s life would either destroy or complement the words of one’s lips. When you think about the activities of your life, do they reflect the world or the Word?
Paul’s commanded Timothy to live out his faith in love. When Timothy lived in love, he demonstrated his love for the Lord and others. This love manifested itself in his sacrificial life before the Lord and for others. He surrendered completely to the Lord because of his wholehearted love and loved others under the leadership of the Lord. This type of love remains different than the love of the world and reflects the person of Christ. When you assess your love for God and others, does it seek to love God entirely and others more than the self?
The apostle Paul called Timothy to live out his faith in faith. The apostle meant that Timothy must live in complete trust, confidence, and reliance upon the Lord. Timothy needed to live out his life in a manner that reflected this faith and trust in the Lord. Thus, the apostle meant that Timothy should live in faith by living in faithfulness and obedience to the Lord. Again, the apostle did not want Timothy to provide lip service for faith, but he wanted him to demonstrate his faith. When you reflect upon living in faith, do you live in complete reliance, trust, and confidence in the Lord? Do you follow the leading of the Lord completely in faith?
The apostle knew that the flesh would attempt to derail the life of Timothy. Thus, he called Timothy to live in purity. A life of purity came as a charge to live out an upright and blameless life. This does not mean perfection, but it means that one strives to live under the guidance and restrictions of God’s Word and leading. Living in purity is the pursuit of living without intentional, immoral acts. When you look at your life, do you live in purity before the Lord? Do you attempt to justify immorality instead of seeking to live for Christ?
The apostle Paul wanted Timothy to live out his faith before others. This style of life provided a constant witness to the greatness of Christ. Paul charged him to live life in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. This calling extends beyond Timothy and to believers today. How can you set goals and an action plan to strive to grow in living life in such a manner?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at