Thankful for Living in Hope

Read the Text: 2 Corinthians 4

Memorize the Text:  

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!

(2 Corinthians 5:17, CSB)

Consider the Text: 2 Corinthians 4:7-10

Believers must slow down enough to be thankful for the hope that comes through the gospel. Often, we become so busy that we do not reflect on the presence of hope when we enter a relationship with Jesus and live in that relationship. We must understand that the transformation that comes in salvation does not exist in a singular moment, but the change occurs as a life-altering event. This event brings hope and allows us to live in the certainty of salvation. The apostle Paul charged believers to be thankful for this gift in 2 Corinthians 4.

Be Thankful for the Treasure of the Gospel

As a follower of Christ, we exist as fragile jars of clay. This image reminds us of our weakness and fragile state in the flesh that cannot accomplish what we are called to complete. The apostle Paul used this image to reveal that we are weak and fragile in the flesh, the emotional state, the outer being, and the inner being. This reality of weakness points our attention to the power of God that dwells in us as believers.

Though we live as fragile jars of clay, we, as believers, have the fullness of the gospel and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Thus, we contain an eternal, everlasting, all-powerful treasure. This treasure has the power to save, lead, protect, and work in our lives. Thus, as a weak, fragile jar of clay, we must give thanks for the power of the Lord.

Be Thankful for the Ability to Endure Life

The strength present in our lives provides the ability to endure various difficulties in life. The difficulties in life do not all look the same but threaten all believers. At times, the struggles come in the form of afflictions. The presence of afflictions indicates the experience of pain and suffering. At other times, we face hard times through the state of becoming perplexed and facing persecution. The perplexing moment forms a state of unsettledness and confusion, while persecution attacks even to the point of becoming struck down. Even in these difficulties, we give thanks because of the ability to endure through Christ.  

The apostle reminds us that we may face difficulties, but we will not become crushed, driven to despair, forsaken, or destroyed. The terms used point to the truth that we will never be hemmed in without a place to escape when facing hard times. We will not get to the point of giving up when we become perplexed. We know that God is with us and we never become forsaken. We know that we may slip and fall, but we will not be destroyed in the Lord. The vital truth is that we live in thankfulness because the Lord allows us to face any trial or hardship.  

Be Thankful for the Reality of Eternal Life

The apostle Paul charged us to live thankful for the gift of eternal life. This means we live in the reality that, as believers, we live clothed in the work of Christ’s death. Living in Christ’s death means that the work of Christ covers the payment we owe because of our sin. Thus, we are clothed in death’s receipt that reveals Christ's payment and opens us to the availability of eternity.

When we live in the thankfulness of this gift of eternal life, we demonstrate thankfulness in sharing the hope we gained with others. This act means that we live in a manner that illuminates Christ and makes him known. At the same time, we declare the change that occurs when we become attached to the work of Christ in His death and how that allows us to live in hope.

Today, as we think about our weak state as jars of clay but our powerful state because of the presence of the Lord, may we live in thankfulness. May we rejoice that hardships do not destroy us but provide an opportunity to experience the work of the Lord in life. May we rejoice in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord because of the offering of eternal life it extended to us. May we live in true thankfulness because of the hope we live in.

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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