The Ministry of Encouragement
Read the Text: Hebrews 3
Memorize the Text:
Watch out, brothers and sisters, so that there won’t be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage each other daily, while it is still called today, so that none of you is hardened by sin’s deception
(Hebrews 3:12-13, CSB)
Consider the Text: Hebrews 3:13
We live in a constant spiritual battle. We face the temptation to rebel against the Lord and strive to live in obedience to the Lord. This endeavor includes gathering as a body and supporting one another in the faith. The author of Hebrews charges believers to encourage one another to promote a life of obedience to Christ and to aid in the ability to overcome the temptation to live in rebellion against the Lord. The author provides us with three critical truths to put into practice.
The author commands us to encourage one another. Encouragement occurs when one person finds an avenue to support another individual. In a Christian context, encouragement occurs as one believer seeks to help another individual through presence, words, or action. Encouragement exists to build each other up and provides continued motivation to carry on in one’s walk with the Lord.
As followers of Christ, we need to seek to live life as an encourager. Thus, we need to find ways to come alongside other believers and encourage them to grow in their spiritual walk with Jesus. This encouragement promotes individuals to live for Jesus and creates an atmosphere of believers supporting one another throughout life. We must ask ourselves where we get encouragement from and who we encourage.
The act of encouragement needs to exist as a constant action. The author of Hebrews notes that the encouragement of others must happen today. The need for continuous support comes because the spiritual battle constantly occurs; thus, continued encouragement aids the constant battle. When encouragement is delayed, the believer does not value the importance of journeying spiritually together.
As followers of Christ, we must seek avenues to encourage other believers today. Far too often, we find ways to criticize other believers and to cause the war to wage greater instead of coming alongside them with encouragement. When was the last time you received encouragement? When was the last time you were the agent of encouragement? Take time today to encourage a fellow believer.
The author of Hebrews noted that encouragement promoted victory over the threat of a hardened heart. A hardened heart rejects the ways and will of the Lord and falls prey to the deception of sin. The rebel against the Lord lives with this hardened heart and lives a life defined by sin. The presence of encouragement promotes a life of victory over the hardened heart because it provides support to pursue living for Jesus.
As followers of Christ, we must understand that encouragement supports other believers in their walk with the Lord. This encouragement occurs when we share our God story with others and reveal the greatness of God throughout life. The words of encouragement present an opportunity to be used by the Lord to encourage the spiritual faithfulness of others. Are you promoting spiritual victory through the practice of encouragement?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at