Righteousness is Not a Supplement

Read the Text: Romans 3

Memorize the Text:  

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16, CSB)

Consider the Text: Romans 3

Supplements are used to supply added nutrients to a person’s diet to replace nutrients that currently need aid. These supplements exist as an add-on and cannot be solely depended on to produce enough nutrients in a diet to survive. Unfortunately, many Christians have treated righteousness as a supplement instead of a necessity. In Romans 3, the apostle Paul detailed how the reception of God’s righteousness must never be supplemented or a supplement because it is necessary and complete.  

The apostle DEFINED the righteousness of God. Paul described how righteousness exists as a distinctive of God. We can have righteous moments, but the Lord is perfect and eternally righteous. He is just and moral in all things because of his divine person and character. At the same time, the apostle noted that the Lord demands righteousness because he is righteous. Though we must be righteous in the presence of the Lord, our sin does not allow this to occur when we have a life without Christ.

The apostle explained the DELIVERING of the righteousness of God. The Lord made a way for the unrighteous to become righteous in his presence through the work of Jesus Christ. The Lord foretold the coming Messiah that would create the avenue to righteousness. This foretelling became a reality in the work of Christ, and the ability to be made righteous became a reality. Thus, God delivered a way in which we, sinners, could become righteous through a relationship with Christ. 

The apostle detailed our DEPENDENCE on the righteousness of God. Paul detailed our state as sinners and our need for redemption. Every individual needs the righteousness of the Lord because we are sinners and deserve the wrath of God. Our only hope comes in a relationship with Jesus that extends to us through the grace and mercy of the Lord. We do not earn or deserve the gift of God’s righteousness through Christ, but he made it available for us to receive or reject. Thus, the needed righteousness comes through faith alone in Christ and nowhere else.

Many people who claim Christ want nothing more than a relationship that supplements their life. They do not want a life change but an add-on that gives a sense of security. They want comfort, not change. They seek ease of mind instead of a transformed life. Thus, they treat Jesus as a supplement to life. How are you treating Jesus in your life? Are you treating him as an add-on in life, or are you transformed, and he is your life?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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