Pray for the Church
Read the Text: 1 Thessalonians 3
Memorize the Text:
Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people.
(Colossians 3:12-13, CSB)
Consider the Text: 1 Thessalonians 3
Believers need to pray for their church. The activity of prayer serves as the believer’s act of faith that depends on the Lord to see the development and growth of the church. When believers pray for the church, they exhibit the need for Christ to dwell at the center of all the church does. In 1 Thessalonians 3, the apostle Paul provided several truths and charges concerning the activity of praying for the church.
The apostle Paul prayed for the Lord to direct their path to engage the church in Thessalonica. This request comes from a desire to fellowship with other believers and to gain encouragement through engagement. The apostle desired this encounter to happen but only if the moment came from the Lord’s direction. Paul used prayer to communicate his desire to the Lord and surrender his desire to the will and leading of the Lord.
Today, we need to seek the Lord to direct our path. We must desire to engage other believers but need to see this desire manifested under the leading of the Lord. Thus, we need to spend time communicating with the Lord our desires and surrendering these desires to the will of the Lord. Are you attempting to plot your course in life, or are you trusting the Lord to direct your path?
The apostle asked the Lord to increase his love for other believers and non-believers. He did not limit his love to those in the body of Christ but asked the Lord to provide the needed love for all people. The apostle knew that the ability to love others only comes from the Lord; thus, he requested the ability to love the unlovable.
Loving others comes as an expectation in the life of the believer. Our love for others mirrors the love of the Father for his children and extends the love of God to others. When we love others, we model the love of Christ in us and the love God has available for them. The ability to live in this type of love only comes from the Lord. Thus, we need to seek the Lord in prayer to carry out this love for others. Are you attempting to love others in your strength, or are you seeking the Lord for the ability to express love genuinely?
The apostle Paul prayed that the believers in Thessalonica would see the apostle’s love and follow his example. The apostle presented an example of how believers should seek to love others. As a result, he challenged the church to pray that the Lord would lift examples to follow to develop this form of loving others. When believers pray for mentors, they seek the Lord to open up the pathway for discipleship.
Today, believers need to seek the guidance of godly men and women. We need to search for examples of people who live out the love of Christ toward others and follow their example. To overcome the barriers of finding individuals, we need to seek the Lord in prayer and request that he bring godly examples into our lives that aid in our development to love others. This request rest in the desire to live out the command of the Lord to love others. How are you modeling love for others? Who is an example of how to love others in your life?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at