The Prayers of the Saints
Read the Text: Revelation 8
Memorize the Text:
We give you thanks, Lord God, the Almighty, who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.
(Revelation 11:17, CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 8:1-5
Revelation 8 begins with the opening of the seventh seal. Though this prophecy remains challenging to understand and points to a coming day, a powerful promise exists that God has, does, and will continue to hear the prayers of the saints. These prayers carry great power as the Lord hears them and stores them until the appropriate moment of response in the fullness of certain eternal victory. Thus, we must find assurance, hope, and promise in these verses.
The passage states that the prayers of the saints will be presented with the smoke of incense at the altar before the Great Throne. These prayers include the prayers of the saints for generations that sought the coming of God’s kingdom. These prayers of the saints are joined with the prayers of the current saints and presented before the Lord. The presentation of these prayers reflects the truth that the Lord intentionally listens to His own and hears the deep request of their hearts. Thus, we must find hope in the truth that the Lord hears us.
The passage today details how the Lord takes the prayers of the saints and responds to them in perfect timing. The Lord received the request of His children and turned them into action as they become hurled toward the earth as part of the coming end. God demonstrates the power of the prayer of His children and His faithfulness to respond to the request of His children. This response reveals to us today a great promise that the Lord who hears also responds. Though the response may not occur in our timeline, it happens in the perfect timing of the Lord, and thus we must rest in that truth.
The passage reminds us of the certain victory of the Lord. The world and the power of darkness cannot stand against the might and power of the Lord. Christ secured victory over darkness and death in the death and resurrection. This victory becomes realized ultimately in the final days. In response to the prayers of the saints, the Lord moves and brings forth the final manifestation of this victory. For believers today, we gain encouragement to speak to the Lord because we trust his faithful response and the ultimate victory.
Though Revelation 8 speaks to the coming end, hope runs throughout the passage. First, we find hope knowing that the Lord hears us. We find hope knowing that the Lord responds to us. Finally, we find hope knowing of the victory of the Lord. Will you live trusting in these promises?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at