Do Not Receive Christ in Vain

Read the Text: 2 Corinthians 6

Memorize the Text:  

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!

(2 Corinthians 5:17, CSB)

Consider the Text: 2 Corinthians 6:1-2

Church membership rolls are filled with many people who associate as church members but never demonstrate evidence of authentic salvation. Their relationship with the Lord comes from many avenues that do not lead to genuine faith. As a result, these individuals receive Christ in vain instead of responding to offering salvation in faith. The apostle Paul addressed this concern in 2 Corinthians 6 as he challenged the people in Corinth to receive Christ authentically and not in vain.

When Jesus is Received in Vain

The apostle warned against receiving Jesus in vain because such a response is false. When a person responds to Jesus in such a manner, their desire does not occur because of genuine recognition of sin and the need for redemption, but from various other avenues. Here are four possible ways people respond in vain.

Received in the Intellect

Some individuals grow up in church and know much about Jesus. They cognitively know the need for redemption and acknowledge Jesus with their lips but never extend their hearts to the Lord. These individuals know the information but never undergo transformation. Thus, they receive in vain because their belief is based on the intellect and not on the heart.

Received as Insurance

Some people respond to Jesus because they desire a form of fire insurance to escape the fiery pit of hell. They do not desire to follow the Lord's ways or live as obedient children. They want to comfort of knowing they live rescued from torture. They do not desire their life to be altered. They are not entirely into the relationship with Jesus. They desire the benefits without the cost. They want the insurance but not the fee.

Received in Influence

Some people respond to Jesus because of pressure from family or friends. They know that people around them want to see them respond to Jesus for salvation and do so to remove the constant pressure to respond. When one receives Jesus in this manner, it is not authentic but merely an act to remove the pressure from others. Thus, they believe in vain because they seek a form of temporary relief from the influence of others pleading for them to respond. They may say a prayer or walk an aisle, but their life never changes. They attempt to make a transaction with Jesus instead of allowing Jesus to bring transformation to their life.

Received in Impulse

Some people respond to Jesus through a moment of emotion. They follow the crowd that follows Jesus and react because of emotional stimulus. This does not mean that every emotional stimulus response is vain, but some are. They can be made without true understanding and consideration. They may flow from the power of the moment without a true understanding of what is occurring. Thus, they respond at the moment but have no intention of following.

Responding to Jesus

The apostle Paul called the people in Corinth to respond to Jesus authentically. He knew that some of the church members there had believed in vain, and he called them to see their need for redemption and respond without delay. The same call extends through the generations and reaches the lives of people who have believed in vain today. Paul charges them to see their genuine need and respond immediately and authentically to the Lord through a relationship with Jesus.  

Recognize Need

Paul wanted people living wayward from the Lord to recognize their need for true repentance. These individuals were attached to the church in Corinth and probably claimed membership. The apostle desired that those living in a belief that was vain would see that they needed an authentic relationship with Christ. They needed to see their current sinful condition and separation from the Lord. Recognizing this reality and need would open the avenue to truly responding to Christ as Lord and Savior.

Respond Now

The apostle Paul knew the matter of salvation was urgent. He did not call the people to consider what he declared, but he pleaded and urged the people to respond properly. He called them to an immediate response because he understood that tomorrow was not promised and that delay could lead to eternal death. Thus, Paul called for the response to happen today. The same is true today. Responding to Jesus must occur now because tomorrow may be too late. Once a need is recognized, the response must happen immediately.

Like the church in Corinth, people associated with the church today must assess and make sure their faith is genuine. If one believed in vain, they must own that wrong response and make it right today. They need to respond to Jesus as Lord and Savior right now and not take the risk of the future's uncertainty.


This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


Good Grief


Living Evidence of Christ