Living Redeemed

Read the Text: Luke 17

Memorize the Text:   : “Well then,” he told them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” (Luke 20:25)

Consider the Text: Luke 17:1-4

Living as a redeemed believer means our life demonstrates the character of the kingdom of God. Such a life differs from the ways of the world and reflects a redeemed lifestyle. In Luke 17, Jesus spoke to the issues of stumbling, living on guard, and living prepared to offer forgiveness when repentance occurs. In the first four verse, we find five key truths for living as a redeemed believer. 

People will all deal with the ISSUE OF STUMBLING. Stumbling occurs because of sin. Believers continue to battle the temptation of the flesh as long as they walk this earth. The battle ensues because of the sinful nature that wages war against the ways of the Lord. When stumbling occurs, we need to seek forgiveness and recovery. When you stumble, don’t remain on the ground, but instead reach up and allow the Lord to reset your feet and begin to rejourney with Christ. 

We must understand the THREAT OF THE JUDGEMENT that comes from causing one to stumble. The fallen nature means that we live in tension with one another. Pride causes a collision between people because everyone’s pride desires dominance. As a result, we often find ourselves trying to bring other people down in order to elevate the self. This occurs at the expense of others and often centers on causing others to stumble. Jesus warned that such a life faces a judgment. In fact, the judgement is so severe that he says one taking their life by tying a mill stone around their neck and drowning would be better that causing one to stumble. 

We must LIVE ON GUARD. With the threat of sin and the temptation to cause others to stumble, Jesus encourages and challenges believers to live in a manner of guarding themselves against these threats. To live on guard means that we are aware of the threats and seek to protect ourselves from them. When we watching by standing guard, we take a defensive position to stop the temptations that come against us. The key to being on guard is staying aware of the possible threats. 

We must DEAL APPROPIATELY WITH SIN. When sin and stumbling occur, one must deal with sin through repentance. Repentance occurs when we recognize our sinfulness and seek forgiveness. The forgiveness occurs not in words alone but includes a change of direction. We recognize our need to return and turn to Jesus by abandoning the sin and pursuing holiness. When sin is not dealt with, we continue to slip further and further away from the Lord. Dealing with sin is part of the living for Jesus. 

We must develop a CONSTANT DESIRE TO FORGIVE.  Living in the manner of the kingdom means that our life is one that extends forgiveness. Jesus clearly states that no matter how many times people falter and sin against others that repentance demands forgiveness. We do not hold the right as believers to hold forgiveness because Jesus did not hold forgiveness from us. As a result, we need to model God’s forgiveness to us by readily extending forgiveness to others. 

Living the ways of the kingdom of God is a difficult task. The key centers on remaining focused and seeking Jesus with all that we are. Part of the equation is to readily seek repentance when we stumble and to extend forgiveness when others stumble. What do you need to repent from today? Who do you need to seek forgiveness from? Who do you need to extend forgiveness to?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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