Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
Read the Text: John 11
Memorize the Text: Jesus spoke to them again, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
Consider the Text: John 11:21-27
Jesus declared, "I am the resurrection and the life." This declaration provided hope during the grief of a lost loved one. Jesus spoke this truth when engaging Martha concerning her dead brother Lazarus. These words of identification resound throughout the generations and remain truth for followers of Christ today. This moment teaches us the truth that Christ proclaimed for his followers to find hope in.
Jesus declared that he is THE RESURRECTION. Martha’s response to Jesus centered on her Jewish understanding of a final resurrection at the end times. She missed the ability of Christ to work in his time and in his way at the moment. The declaration of Jesus does not focus on what happens in the end alone but centers on the reality that he responds out of known victory. Jesus knew that death could not defeat him or hold him captive. He would claim victory in his resurrection but also could resurrect. The critical truth comes as Christ declares the nature of God’s power. Christ will rise not under someone else's power but will raise himself. This truth reveals the power and victory over death that Christ held.
Jesus pointed to the truth that LIFE COMES THROUGH BELIEF. The reality of physical death faced all humanity. Physical death exists because of sin. God created us to walk in harmony with one another and with him, but the fall of humanity and the entrance of sin changed this entire dynamic. Sin brought separation to the created harmony. The separation on an earthly level mirrored the separation on an eternal level. Sin brought a divide between God the creator and humanity the created. This separation caused the entrance of punishment and death due to sin.
The division formed a separation on an eternal scale as well. Jesus, speaking of his resurrection, declared the only available reconciliation between humanity and God. This reconciliation became available because of the work on the cross and the victory over death carried out by Jesus. Everyone received the offer of reconciliation and eternal life through a faith-based relationship with Jesus. This relationship allowed for the separation to be brought together through the eternal bridge of Christ. The key rests in each individual deciding for themselves to receive the offered gift of life through Christ.
Jesus challenged hearers to CONSIDER THEIR BELIEF. The first question is: do you believe in the exclusiveness of Christ? Christ alone is the avenue for eternal life. He is the only bridge that spans the gap and separation caused by sin. Jesus is the inclusive and exclusive bridge as he offers reconciliation to everyone but exclusive because only those who receive him in faith gain eternal life.
The second question is: do you believe in the atoning sacrifice of Christ? We must believe that the sacrifice of Christ is the only sacrifice that pays the penalty for the debt of sin. His sacrifice is the perfect and eternal sacrifice needed to gain payment for the sin penalty in life. We must understand and believe that Christ alone is the payment and that nothing we do can be good enough to earn the favor of God.
Jesus provided the truth that genuine hope comes in a relationship with him. As the resurrection and life, Jesus established an avenue for people to experience resurrection and eternal life because of his sacrifice and resurrection. When we face difficulty, this declaration provides hope for us to hold onto. How does this declaration provide hope in your life?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at