The Cautionary Tale of Cultural Christianity
Read the Text: Matthew 21
Memorize the Text: He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command.” (Matthew 22:37)
Consider the Text: Matthew 21:28-46
Cultural Christianity plagues many self-proclaimed believers from authentically experiencing the Lord. In the first century, the Pharisees exemplified such a people. They knew the law and were religious leaders, but they did not truly have a relationship with the Lord. When Cultural Christianity exists, people know about the Lord and His word but live in a manner that does not resemble a true relationship. Today's passage includes a cautionary tale using two parables directed at the Pharisees.
Jesus told a parable of two sons that serves as THE CAUTIONARY TALE OF TRUE OBEDIENCE. The first son received the command from the father and acknowledged that he would fulfill the request. Jesus said that the young man verbally gave affirmation but did not obey. The second son received a directive from the father and quickly responded negatively before going through with the request. Jesus asked which one of the sons practiced obedience. The apparent response centered on the one who carried out the act.
Cultural Christianity reflects the attitude of the first son. Verbal affirmation exists concerning a relationship with the Lord. These individuals speak a language that is familiar to other believers and in the church, but their lives do not follow the Lord's ways. The activities of their lives center on the flesh, self, and the ways of the world. Thus, they live under the threat of appearance and in a mode of constant Christian lip service.
Jesus followed the first parable about a landowner that serves as THE CAUTIONARY TALE OF GENUINE RELATIONSHIP. Christ told of the owner who rented out the land and faced great difficulty when the time came to collect. The owner's servants and even son who dealt with the renter met death. The tenant of the land agreed upon a deal with the owner with a selfish heart. He saw what was in it for him, and as a result, he refused to keep his responsibility to the agreement. The tale cautioned using religion as a means for selfishness.
Cultural Christianity speaks of a relationship with Christ and thus entered a relationship with the Father. The reality comes when the individual indeed rejects the Son. They know the Son but have rejected Christ in their heart. They do not live out the fruit of righteousness; instead, they live for their desires and passions. Thus, Cultural Christianity declares an agreement with God but rejects a true relationship with Jesus.
The Pharisee knew the parables were directed at them. This understanding reveals THE CAUTIONARY TALE OF THE PHARISEES. The Pharisees serve as an example that cautions against becoming self-righteous and neglecting Jesus. They viewed themselves as good because of their righteousness and keeping of the Lord. Such an approach separated them from following Jesus and listening to his plea. When not cautious, Cultural Christianity sets the stage for such a response of living in goodness before the Lord instead of living in Christ.
Cultural Christian continues to threaten people. Churchgoers begin to link their faithfulness to the Lord and their relationship with Jesus to their service in the local church. Such individuals can acknowledge Jesus with their lips but live a life counter to the ways of the Lord. Thus, we must constantly evaluate our lives to make sure that we live authentically for Jesus and not fall prey to Cultural Christianity.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at