Are You Ready?
Read the Text: Matthew 24
Memorize the Text: He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command.” (Matthew 22:37)
Consider the Text: Matthew 24:36-44
Throughout the generations, people have attempted to predict the end of the world. These individuals claim to use various formulas to declare the world's future. One such cultural event that promoted such ideology occurred around the turning of the New Year from 1999 to 2000 and, most recently, the COVID pandemic. Unfortunately, the reality appears as each prediction remains unfulfilled. Although the fascination with the end of time intrigues many believers and unbelievers alike, the key truth is that we cannot know the time of Christ's return, but we are responsible for being ready. Thus, the question must be, "Am I ready?"
Jesus taught that WE SHOULD NOT TRY TO FIGURE OUT THE END. The pursuit of figuring out the specific moment the world will end is pointless because no person knows the exact hour. Jesus strengthened this claim by declaring that humans are not alone because angels do not know the time of the return either. Jesus continued the teaching, acknowledging that he as the Son does not know the hour either but that the Father alone knows the time. As a result, we should live in faith and trust in the timing of the Lord and not worry about what we cannot know.
Jesus instructed them concerning THE ARRIVAL OF THE SON. He declared that the return would be like the days of Noah. The people on earth would be living with no regard to the ways of the Lord and would. Ignore the warnings that are given. Everyone would be living according to their desires and refuse to acknowledge the Lord. When the return occurs, the opportunity to repent disappears, and the punishment cannot be avoided. For the believer, the arrival of the Son is glorious, but for the world, it is horrific.
Jesus warned of THE MOMENT OF REALITY. He used the illustration of two men and two women. Each set was working when the return occurred. As Christ returned, one of the men and one of the women were left behind while the other ascended to be with Christ. The truth centers on the importance of being ready for the end of the world because the hour is unknown. We cannot find a reason to delay or an excuse to ignore but must accept the responsibility to live in a relationship with Christ.
Jesus declared the challenge to LIVE READY. The concern does not need to focus on when the end will occur and Christ return, but on being ready for when the return happens. As a result, we must live in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We ought to pursue growing in Christ and becoming more in his image as we engage the Word of God. We must live in faith and trust.
As Jesus discussed the end of the world, he focused not on the timing of the event, but on the importance of being ready. We cannot earn the favor of God through activity, but only become ready when we have entered a relationship with Jesus Christ. So as we navigate this time, are you ready?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at