Seeking Jesus
Read the Text: John 3
Memorize the Text: Don’t you say, “There are still four more months, and then comes the harvest? Listen to what I’m telling you: Open your eyes and look at the fields because they are ready for harvest.” (John 4:35)
Consider the Text: John 3:1-16
John 3:16 probably exists the most famous and well-known verse from the Bible. This verse occurs in personal interaction between a religious leader, Nicodemus, and Jesus. The question at hand centered on how one receives eternal life. Jesus responded to Nicodemus’ question by explaining the need of being born again. Like Nicodemus, when we seek Jesus, we need to understand what it means to be born again.
First, we need to understand our NEED FOR A NEW BIRTH. The nature of humanity exists in a sinful state. This means that we exist in a state of separation from the Lord because he is holy and we are sinners. Thus, we need to be reconciled to the Lord in a way in which we would experience redemption. Jesus declared this need to Nicodemus. To Nicodemus, this declaration came as a statement of his value. In the flesh, Nicodemus would be considered a rich, respectable, and religious man, but spiritually he was broken. His self-righteousness could not bridge the gap to God because only the righteousness of Christ was good enough.
Jesus declared the different nature of heaven. Heaven is the residence and holy place of God where the kingdom of God exists. This place is perfect and is not marred by sin. It is the glorious place of God. When one becomes redeemed, then heaven becomes a prepared place. A place that becomes available to those in a relationship with Jesus. A place prepared for worship and the eternal dwelling of God’s children. Entrance into heaven comes only through redemption in Christ alone, thus we all desperately need a new birth.
Second, we need to see the MYSTERY OF THE NEW BIRTH. Jesus provided two comparisons to help teach the mystery of the new birth. He used the idea of birth and breeze to teach. When comparing salvation to the new birth, we must recognize that salvation provides life that exists as eternal in nature. This new birth marks a beginning of a new life that journeys toward glorification by growing and becoming more like Jesus. At the same time, the new birth compares to a breeze because we cannot see the change that occurs. After all, it happens in the heart. Like the wind, we can see the effects of the change and as a result, see its presence.
Third, we need to know the WAY TO THE NEW BIRTH. Jesus did not discuss the need alone but informed on the pathway to receive the needed salvation. The role of the Savior is to come as the given sacrificial Lamb of God to pay the price for the sin of humanity. Thus, the Savior is the one who endured the cross, and burial, and claimed the victorious resurrection to offer the avenue to redemption. This path comes only through a personal faith-based relationship with Jesus. Thus, the sinner must recognize the sinfulness of life and surrender at the foot of the cross by receiving Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior.
When we evaluate the interaction between Jesus and Nicodemus, we receive the challenge to evaluate our interaction with Jesus. Do we seek Jesus to know him in a greater manner? Is our interaction based on desperately knowing him as Savior and Lord? Do we listen to the revelation of God as he reveals calls us to redemption?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at