The Threat of Spiritual Heritage

Read the Text: Titus 1

Memorize the Text:  

He gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for himself a people for his own possession, eager to do good works.

(Titus 2:14, CSB)

Consider the Text: Titus 1:10-16

The apostle Paul charged Timothy to live out the spiritual heritage and legacy instilled in him by his grandmother, mother, and the apostle. He charged him to live faithful to his training. In his letter to Titus, he warns of the threat of resting in your spiritual heritage and not in salvation through Christ. Timothy had received to follow the model of following Christ set forth by those who went before him, and now Titus is to charge the churches he leads with watching out for those who live in spiritual heritage but do not have a relationship with Christ. The warning needs heeding today as resting in one’s spiritual heritage serves as a threat to living faithfully in Christ.


The apostle told Titus that some individuals rested in their spiritual heritage as Jews instead of resting in Christ. He identified them as “rebellious people” and “those from the circumcision party.” The use of “rebellious people” identified their separation from Christ, and the marker of “those from the circumcision party” noted their spiritual heritage. Thus, these people did not have a relationship with Jesus but rested on their Jewish heritage. Today, people can rest in their spiritual heritage of going to church or Christian parents and still be separated from Christ. These individuals often rest in their spiritual heritage and neglect to follow Christ.

The apostle characterized these as resting in their spiritual heritage. He declared that they were unpure and defiled. Both these markers reveal the existence of sinful nature and the absence of a relationship with Christ. Paul states these individuals are known as rebels against the Lord and thus live a life of defilement. These characterizations exist because Paul noted that these people were unbelieving. A spiritual heritage knew their life, but the flesh dominated their actions and reality. Their spiritual heritage separated them from Christ instead of drawing them to Christ. Today, we need to assess and ensure that our spiritual heritage does not separate us from the Lord but draws us to him.  


Paul noted that the teaching words from these resting in spiritual heritage were void of significance. Their words may seem right according to the morals and ethics of the world, but the words do not align with the truth of God’s Word. As a result, the terms of these individuals proved to be empty. The words did not provide the needed filling from the Lord because of their empty nature. Thus, when these words dominate, people continue to seek more and never feel filled. Today, we need to ask what voice we listen to that carries the emptiness of the world.  


The apostle Paul knew that the spiritual heritage of these individuals had provided a platform to influence the lives of others. The believers may look at this heritage and give more credence to the words declared by these individuals. The issue comes because these individuals' words do not rest in a relationship with Christ; as a result, they do not provide words of building up but words of destruction. They threaten the spiritual lives of others because they extend words that align with the flesh and not with the Word. Thus, we must recognize the threat that allowing spiritual heritage to trump salvation has on the lives of individuals seeking to follow Christ.  

If you grew up with a strong spiritual heritage, you must guard against living in the heritage instead of Christ. This form of living occurs when we associate with church or Christianity but do not hold a genuine relationship with Jesus. We must prepare to speak into the lives of those plagued by a spiritual heritage and show them Jesus. What threat of spiritual heritage surrounds you? How can you speak truth into the life of someone plagued by spiritual heritage who does not have salvation?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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