The True Cornerstone
Read the Text: Ephesians 2
Memorize the Text:
I say, then, walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want. Bit if you are led by the Spirit, you are no under the law.
(Galatians 5:16-18, CSB)
Consider the Text: Ephesians 2:19-22
A cornerstone is vital to any structure. This stone gives strength and stability to any structure. If one removed the Cornerstone of a building, the integrity and stability of the building would disappear. At the same time, the Cornerstone is essential because it is the first stone laid. Every other stone becomes laid based on the Cornerstone. Thus, the Cornerstone becomes the unifying stone for all other stones laid. The Cornerstone laid the groundwork by which the mason transformed the other rocks to be applied. The apostle Paul’s use of Cornerstone in referencing Christ reveals four essential truths about Christ.
The weight of a structure often rests on the Cornerstone. As the source of strength and stability, the cornerstone enables the building to remain firm and solid. When Christ becomes the Cornerstone of one’s life, then the believer gains strength and stability that comes only from a life resting on Christ. Christ provides the needed strength for a believer to walk in faithfulness. This truth means that in Christ, the believer gains the needed strength to follow the ways of the Lord and carry out the calling of the Lord in their life.
When Christ exists as the Cornerstone in one’s life, one gains the strength and stability to navigate the storms and uncertainties of life. The strength provides the ability to withstand the violent elements against one, while the stability promises to never move under one’s feet. As the Cornerstone for life, Christ provides what the believer needs to endure and gain victory in Christ alone. So, where are you looking for strength and stability in your life? The only true strength and stability you need is the Cornerstone known as Christ.
When a builder constructs a structure, the first stone laid is the cornerstone. This provided the needed orientation for the building of the remainder of the structure. When Christ becomes the Cornerstone in one’s life, then everything in the believer’s life must become oriented toward the presence of Christ. He must become the metric by which life is measured. He must put the parameters around the desires of the heart.
When Christ is the Cornerstone in life, one’s life must illuminate His presence. There must be evidence of the Cornerstone as one’s life becomes a reflection of the Savior. Does your life reflect Christ as your Cornerstone? Are the desires and activities of your life oriented on who Christ is in you? Do you seek the Cornerstone for direction for everything in your life? Does the Cornerstone define you?
The church exists as a collection of people with varying backgrounds. Jesus, as the Cornerstone, is the unifying piece that holds all the different pieces together. The world attempts to use diversity as an agent of division, but Christ brings together all things and holds them together because he is the agent that makes all things new. Paul wrote in his Galatian letter that no Jew nor Greek, neither male nor female, neither slave nor free because all are one in Christ. Thus, Christ is the great unifier as our Cornerstone.
People today seek to find many avenues to gain unity. They attempt to talk about diversity and finding unity in it and provide training to overcome the differences in life. The reality is that unity cannot authentically exist outside of Christ. As the true Cornerstone, He alone unifies and holds things together. Are you trusting in Christ to be the unifying agent in your life? Is your church building unity on the true Cornerstone, Christ?
A mason would choose which rock to lay next based on the fit of the next gap. Each gap came from the cornerstone of the structure. As a result, the mason would chisel the rock and transform it to fill the void. When Christ becomes the Cornerstone of life, the individual transforms. The old self disappears, and the new self in Christ becomes formed. The Holy Spirit works in the believer’s life to bring forth a transformation by molding them to become more like Christ.
When we allow Christ to become the Cornerstone of our life, we say yes to being spiritually chiseled. We accept the transforming work of the Spirit in our lives. How has the Lord been chiseling in your life? What transformation have you noticed? The key for each believer is to seek to live with Christ as the true Cornerstone in life.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at