The Expectations of Following Jesus

Read the Text: Matthew 16

Memorize the Text:   Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it.” (Matthew 16:24-25) 

Consider the Text: Matthew 16:24-26

Far too often, people claim to follow Christ today, but their lives neglect to mirror Christ to the world around them. The focus on Jesus as Savior and the abandonment of understanding the call to follow him as Lord feeds such a declaration. When Jesus calls us to follow him, it means that we are to accept him as Savior and Lord. As a result, we must not fall prey to an easy-believism but follow faithfully in a true relationship with Jesus. Christ detailed the expectations of following him in Matthew 16:24-26.

We need to notice that the INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO EVERYONE. The words follow me echos as an ever-present calling to every individual throughout history. The Lord desires that all would respond to the message of the gospel and become redeemed. Jesus did not extend a selective invitation but offered the gift of eternal life to all. The use of all means that the call comes to every tribe, tongue, nation, and people worldwide. God’s grace is offered to all because all have sinned and desperately need a redeemer. The question we must consider is, “what have I or will I do with the invitation from Jesus?”

We need to understand what it means to FOLLOW JESUS. The call to follow Jesus is an invitation to come with him. The original hearers were called to travel with Jesus as he ministered and marched toward the cross. Being with Jesus meant that the disciples followed the path traveled by Jesus and learned from the journey. They allowed their location regarding the Savior to impact their lives. The disciples’ desire centered on being so close to Jesus that the dust from his travels covered them. The same is true today. We ought to follow in a manner that we journey so close to Jesus that the dust from his feet covers our lives. 

We need to follow by DENYING THE SELF. The invitation requires a cost to respond. The response of neglecting the invitation and living for the self means that the cost of the choice leads to the payment of eternal punishment in hell. When we accept the invitation of Jesus, the cost is the renouncing of the self and following Jesus. When Jesus called his followers to deny the self, he meant that each follower must give up the rights of the self. They surrender their rights to subject themselves to the Lord and his leading. Such a mentality runs counter to the thought of personal rights in the west, but Jesus is not calling us in the ways of the American Dream but in the way of the cross. Thus, we must assess our relationship with the Lord and investigate if we are denying the self to follow Jesus. 

We need to CARRY OUR CROSS. The cross was a symbol of death. The use of a cross for execution brought forth an image of a torturous death. When Jesus marched toward Calvary, he carried his cross bar to the place where he would sacrifice his life so that the invitation to eternal life could extend to all. The follower of Christ follows the example set forth by Christ. Each believer carries their crossbeam in surrender to the Lord. They place the former self to death in order to live for Christ and willfully give all so others may hear of God’s invitation to eternal life. Following Jesus is not for the faint of heart. Are you bearing your cross for Jesus? 

The call to follow Jesus comes as a call of sacrifice and surrender. It extends as an invitation to journey with Jesus and become more like him. The act of following means that we lay down our freedoms and rights to serve and follow him obediently. We carry our cross in obedience and seek to make Him known. As we hear the words of Jesus, may we assess our faithfulness in following. 

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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