The Prophet, Priest, and King
Read the Text: Revelation 1
Memorize the Text:
Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.
(2 John 3, CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 1
As we begin the final book of our walk through the New Testament in 2022, let me give a few clarifying statements. First, the book of Revelation is difficult book to grasp. Second, this time together is not an exhaustive theological and doctrinal dive into the book, but instead, just some thoughts that come as we read together. Today, as we start this final book, we find that the apostle John referred to Jesus as a prophet, priest, and king.
A prophet is a person who speaks on behalf of the Lord, declaring truth. For example, prophets in the Old Testament would call out the sin of the people and proclaim a coming future. At other times, prophets would perform the miraculous, including the miracle of healing. In Mark 6, Jesus referred to himself as a prophet. Unlike the prophets of the Old Testament, Jesus came as the perfect prophet.
In the prophet's role, Jesus declared the truth of the Father and called people to repentance. He declared the coming of the end time and foretold the ultimate victory. Jesus engaged the spiritually and physically sick and brought forth healing in their lives. Jesus existed as the perfect prophet because he was and is the Son of God. Thus, the Book of Revelation reveals the role of Jesus as a prophet.
A priest held the spiritual task of leadership for the Jewish people. The high priest served as the individual who carried out the sacrificial task for atonement yearly and stood in the gap between the Lord and the people. The priest entered the holy of holies to seek reconciliation and forgiveness from the Lord. Jesus filled this role of the priest in a more significant manner.
As the Great High Priest, Jesus entered the most holy of holies and prepared to make an atonement sacrifice to appease the anger of the Lord and seek forgiveness for people. Instead of providing the sacrificial lamb like an earthly priest, Jesus presented himself as the needed lamb. His sacrifice occurred as an eternal sacrifice that fulfilled the eternal need for humanity to have access to gain eternal life.
A king rules over people with authority. A king is responsible for the welfare of the kingdom and his people. An earthly king holds the ability to reign with authority and leads people. Jesus is the greater king who has an eternal authoritative rule. He cares for his people and cares deeply for their well-being. Jesus is the eternal king with an eternal reign who has all authority. Thus, the Book of Revelation teaches us about the prophet, priest, and king role of Christ.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at