The Revolt of the Crowd

Read the Text: Mark 15

Memorize the Text:   Now concerning that day or hour no one knows – neither the angels in heaven nor the Son – but only the Father (Mark 13:32)

Consider the Text: Mark 15:6-15

Mark 15 provides more details on the trials and death of Jesus. As the story unfolds, we find that the crowd that once rejoiced in Jesus’ arrival now revolts against him and desires his death. The people demand that a true criminal receive a release from prison and Jesus face the death penalty. This event teaches us the reality of the intentions and desires of the crowd. 

We see that the crowd was DRIVEN BY UNMET EXPECTATIONS. The previous weekend the crowd welcomed Jesus as he entered the city on a donkey. The praises of hosanna rang out as the people desired to see Jesus release them from the rule of Rome. However, as the week progressed, their expectations became disappointments because Jesus focused on fulfilling the will of God and not the will of man. Thus, the revolt against Christ was fueled by the unmet expectations that the people placed on Jesus without understanding the will of the Lord. We must guard against placing expectations on the Lord that do not align with his will and truth. 

We need to notice that the crowd FELL UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF RESPECTED PEOPLE. Mark noted that the religious leaders guided the response of the people. These religious leaders used their influence over the people to lead them toward rejecting Jesus. The people concerned themselves with the thoughts of these people more than believing in truth and trusting the Lord. The influence comes as the people elevated these men over the Messiah. Thus, we must see the caution of not elevating influential people over the Lord. 

As mentioned earlier, the crowd REJECTED THE ONE THEY REJOICED. The declaration of the crowd to crucify Jesus came from the same people that shouted praise toward him earlier. They demonstrate how one can praise Jesus on a Sunday and curse him during the week. The praise looks appropriate, but the heart only seeks to rejoice to be blessed and receiving from the Lord. How often do we face the temptation to rejoice in the Lord on Sunday and then proceed to live in a manner that rejects Jesus?

We must note that the crowd CRIED OUT OF MISUNDERSTANDING. The crowd never fully understood the mission of Christ. During his ministry, the people sought him not because of his mission but because of his impact on their life. They did not grasp the reality of what Jesus was here to do. As the people yelled for his death, they continued to live in a state of misunderstanding the will and work of the Lord. When we live in a state of misunderstanding the Lord, we come to the place of crying out of improper intentions. As a result, we find ourselves living in rebellion. 

The crowd responded OUT OF THE FLESH. The flesh nature drove the crowd’s shout. They could not see past what they experienced in the physical world. They lived under the influence of a sinful nature that drove them to a place of disobedience. When the flesh takes control, faith becomes suppressed, and life begins to live in a manner of rebellion against the Lord. The threat of the flesh dwells in all of us. We must guard against allowing the flesh to drive our responses to the leading of the Lord in our lives. 

The reality comes that each of us faces the temptation of rejoicing in Jesus on Sunday but then choosing to live in rejecting him during the week. We may not cry out for his death, but we become driven by the flesh and under the influence of respected people in the world. When this occurs, we fall prey to living in a revolt against the one we once praised as from the Lord. In response we must repent and return to the journey of following him.  

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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