Trust in the Evidence of the Lord
Read the Text: James 5
Memorize the Text:
Like newborn infants, desire the pure milk of the word, so that you may grow up into your salvation, if you have tasted that the Lord is good.
(1 Peter 2:2, CSB)
Consider the Text: James 5:10-11
God provides evidence for his presence and truth all around us. As the Lord reveals himself to us, we must respond as his children by living in complete trust. The ability to live in trust comes as we develop the skill of waiting patiently. In James 5, the half-brother of Jesus called believers to grow and mature in patience by learning to wait on the Lord and trust entirely in him. As we look at how patience promotes trusting in the Lord and how trusting in the Lord encourages patience, may we evaluate the presence of patience in our lives.
Seeking to live for the Lord requires the believer to rest in truth no matter what the world believes or declares. The presence of truth motivates us to remain patient in the Lord as we navigate this world. James used the prophets as an example of this type of life. The prophets declared the truth of the Lord as his mouthpiece. As they declared the truth, the people of the world rejected it because they disliked the truth. This dislike led the people to attempt to silence the prophets through pain and suffering. The prophets did not allow the untruth of the world or the world's reaction to the truth to discourage them; instead, they remained patient and declared the truth.
Today, we serve as the mouthpiece of the Lord's truth as his children. Yet, we face opposition because the world still does not like living under God's lordship. As a result, we must develop the patience to remain faithful to the Lord in the declaration of his truth. When you evaluate your life, are you practicing patience in declaring the truth? How can you focus on overcoming the temptations of the flesh to develop greater patience?
As the prophets suffered persecution, Job faced trials of various sorts in his life. Yet, Job faced each hurdle by leaning into the Lord and waiting on him. Job lived as a wealthy man who had his entire fortune taken away. More significant than that, Job even dealt with the presence of physical pain in his body and the emotional torment of the death of his children. Yet, instead of giving up or walking away, Job faced these trials patiently, waiting on the Lord. James uses the life of Job to challenge believers to understand the importance of trusting in the Lord when dealing with various types of struggles.
Today, we face different types of trials and struggles. We battle against physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments that plague us. Yet, without caution, we allow these trials to become deterrents to following the Lord and will enable them to control our lives instead of remaining patient in the Lord. What trial or struggle have you experienced when you neglected to remain patient in the Lord? What trial or struggle have you faced waiting on the Lord? How can you become more focused on living patiently on the Lord during the trials of life?
James called believers to see the evidence of the Lord and his work as an encouragement to live patiently. The ability to trust the Lord completely changes the dynamics of one's life. Life becomes grounded on the presence of the Lord instead of the temporary moments of this world. James desires believers to see the compassionate and merciful nature of the Lord and to rest in both of these traits. God motivates us to trust him in compassion because he loves us deeply and desires a relationship. In mercy, the Lord calls us to trust him because we deserve death, yet he extends forgiveness.
Today, we navigate this life by trusting in the Lord. When we rest upon him, we gain the ability to grow in patience and navigate life with certainty. We learn to trust him and wait upon him because we understand his goodness. Do you ever face life impatiently because you become concerned with events, things, and people and neglect to trust the Lord? What steps could you take to develop more trust in the Lord?
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at