In the Unknown Presence
Read the Text: Luke 24
Memorize the Text: “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
Consider the Text: Luke 24:13-35
Often we engage the Lord and do not recognize him. The recognition occurs when we have experienced the evidence of his work and presence. After the resurrection of Jesus, there were men who travelled with him and declared to him all that had occurred. Jesus did not allow himself to be known to these disciples and, as a result, they experienced the opportunity to walk in faith. When we look at this moment, how do we view our faithfulness when we walk in the unknown presence?
We must know there is a STORY TO TELL. The disciples traveling with Jesus had a story to tell because of all that had occurred. The events that happened in Jerusalem changed their life and were dominating the moment. They desired to share the events because it was a story to declare. When we experience the working of the Lord, we gain a story to tell about Jesus. We get to declare his work and activity even when we do not fully understand what he is doing.
The men had a story to tell because of their relationship with Jesus. Their intimate relationship with Jesus drove a personal story to tell. They did not tell a story from imagination or craft a story to amuse, but they told of personal experience and feelings. The declaration came from a personal place in life. The story we tell comes from the personal experiences and the intimate relationship we have with Jesus. This occurs because of the impact a relationship with Jesus has on us. When we look at God’s working in our lives and our relationship with him, we come to the place of knowing that he has impacted our lives and, as a result, we have a story to declare.
We must be ready for when GOD TEACHES US. God teaches us through a variety of techniques. There are moments when we learn lessons because the Lord uses life experiences to train us to walk in faithfulness. These experiences form opportunities to trust in the Lord more and to come to the place of seeing him engage his own in love. These experiences remind us of the ultimate victory that was won.
The Lord teaches us through his Word. His Word is the revelation of himself to us. It teaches us about the nature of humanity and the goodness of God. It points to our sinful nature, great need for redemption, and God’s solution of Christ. As we engage, his Word, we receive illumination that leads to understanding and training. These provide a greater sense of knowing Christ.
We must look for when GOD REVEALS HIMSELF. Jesus revealed himself to the men at a certain moment. This did not occur in the timeframe desired by the travelers, but in God’s timing. We must remember that God’s timing is never early or late but is ever on time. The revealing of the Lord points to seeing his great work and promised presence in our midst. Such a moment reminds us of the victory that comes through Christ alone.
We must know we have REASON TO PRAISE. When God reveals himself, we gain reason to praise him because of redemption. When we receive Christ as Lord and Savior, we gain victory over death and eternal life. These gifts provide us reason to rejoice because we have been set free. At the same time, we rejoice in the risen Lord. This means that we celebrate Christ’s victory over death and rejoice in the living Lord. This occurs as part of our worship and celebration of the life we received.
As Jesus walked with these disciples, and waited to reveal himself, we learn valuable lessons about walking with Jesus. We learn to trust him and walk with him. The more he reveals himself to us, the more we have to declare and the more we have to rejoice. As we see him at work in our lives, may we be the readied disciples when it comes to our response.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at