Time to Wake Up

Read the Text: Romans 13

Memorize the Text:  

Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

(Romans 12:1-2, CSB)

Consider the Text: Romans 13:11-14

A genuine spiritual awakening does not occur by placing a multi-night event on a church calendar or holding a series of meetings. Instead, true revival happens when authentic renewal and awakening occur because of a response to one’s engagement with the Lord and His Word. The need for a spiritual awakening becomes evident as one assesses the world. The unfortunate norm in many churches is the state of being asleep at the wheel and doing nothing more than showing up. Believers have allowed the pressures of this world, the pride of life, and the persistence of the evil one to lull them to sleep. The apostle Paul declared to the church in Rome that believers must wake up from such a slumber. He challenged believers to live in the joy and hope that comes only through a relationship with Christ. In Romans 13:11-14, the apostle provided three key actions to live awake.

Paul charged believers to BATTLE SLEEP WALKING. When an individual participates in sleeping walking, they move around without an awareness of what is occurring. They truly sleep through events and activities without recollection. The spiritual threats against believers attempt to lull them to sleep to cause them to journey through life unaware of the reality around them. The apostle Paul called believers to battle this sleepwalking.

Paul knew the temptations of the flesh, the difficulties faced in life, and the world's influences would serve as opponents to one’s faithful walk with Christ. The flesh would wage war against the impulses of the body, while the difficulties caused distraction from walking with Jesus. In addition, the world’s influence would tempt believers to become more politically correct instead of maintaining biblical correctness. Thus, Paul calls believers to battle this temptation to slumber through life because salvation is near.

The apostle challenged Christians to WAKE UP AND LIVE. Paul acts as a spiritual alarm clock, crying out for the Roman believers to “WAKE UP!” The challenge comes as Paul charges the believers to awaken to the current reality and accept their spiritual calling. When one experiences the moment of awakening, one becomes fueled by a great zeal. This passion propels followers of Christ into seeking to live awakened in life. 

Paul noted that believers have the resources needed to awaken and battle. He told the church in Rome that believers need to put on the armor of light. The armor of light comes only because one has a relationship with Jesus. The armor reflects the Lord because the Lord is light. Ultimately, Christ is the believer’s armor of light because he is the Christian’s defender and protector 

Once the believer has suited up in the armor of light, they must walk in the light. To walk in the light means that one’s journey through life comes under the guidance and leading of the Lord. The Christian walks properly by surrendering to and following the Word of the Lord, the ways of the Lord, and the will of the Lord. A life in this manner reflects the symbol of Christ that garnished the armor the believer lives.

The apostle Paul instructed followers of Christ to LIVE IN CHRIST. The ability to live in Christ indicates that believers put on Christ. To put on Christ means that the believer places Christ in their life as Savior. As Savior, Jesus is the believer’s rescuer and protector. The Christian places Christ as Lord. This indicates that the follower of Christ lives surrendered to Christ as Lord and places oneself under his authority. Thus, Christ must be placed on as life. When Christ is in the believer’s life, Jesus keeps the Christian’s focus away from the temptations in life and is centered on him. This sets a course of not allowing the flesh to take any ground in the journey.

Many temptations threaten to place believers in a state of sleepwalking. Such a moment endangers the ability to walk faithfully in the Lord and experience the fullness of his desire for his children. Every believer must assess and analyze their life in Christ and identify where slumbering is sneaking in. So may believers identify the threats and awaken from the places of sleepwalking and be faithful in following Christ.

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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