Your Grace Story
Read the Text: 1 Timothy 1
Memorize the Text:
For there is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, a testimony at the proper time.
(1 Timothy 2:5-6, CSB)
Consider the Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
When a person becomes a believer, their life changes, the old self, defined by sin, no longer holds one captive because they dwell in the freedom of Christ. This pivotal moment forms a life transformation that carries an eternal gift that occurs because of the promise of the Lord. When believers understand their past condition, current state, and future promise, they can share their story of grace. The apostle Paul modeled this reality by sharing his grace story in 1 Timothy 1:12-17.
The apostle Paul owned his former life. He admitted to his ways of persecution against the church and his life that focused on stopping the growth of the church. He took ownership of his sin and rebellious nature against the Lord. Paul’s admitting of his condition revealed his need for a Redeemer. At the same time, the use of his story allowed him to converse with others about the sin in their life that separates them from the Lord and their need for a Redeemer. One key truth from Paul’s life comes as he states the degree of his sinfulness, yet God still redeemed him. Thus, the old self reveals that no one is unsavable through Christ. When we share our story of grace, we need to include the story of the old self.
The apostle experienced a changed life on the road to Damascus. He realized this change did not occur because of any righteousness or goodness in his life but only through Jesus. His current ministry and life now live to reflect the Messiah and to serve the Kingdom of God. He now lives under a new way of life that serves the Lord and lives in faith. Paul’s current state only occurred because of the work of Christ and Paul’s reception of the gift of salvation through Christ. When a person becomes a believer, their current state transforms; they move from a life of sin to a life as a child of God. We must declare the altered current state when we speak of our grace story.
The apostle Paul lived with a hope of eternity based on the promises of the Lord. Paul journeyed through life looking to the future dwelling with the Lord and the promises that accompany that. He knew that the Lord would be with him, strengthen him, and guide him. He trusted that the Lord would welcome him into eternity with him. This future promise came from Christ, and the apostle lived, trusting in the future promise. When we share our grace story, we must share the future promise.
A believer’s testimony exists because of one’s relationship with the Lord. The story of grace occurs because Jesus has been, is, and will continue to be in the saving business. The apostle stated that God’s grace was far greater than the sin of the apostle, and Paul claimed to be the chief of sinners. Today, the Lord continues to be in the business of saving. There is no sin that his grace cannot overtake. There is no separation; his work on the cross will not bridge. Your story of grace is an opportunity to share in this work by sharing the greatness of Christ and inviting people to experience his salvation. Jesus will use your story of grace because he is still in the saving business.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at