Are You Battle Ready?

As followers of Christ, we battle away with the forces of darkness on a consistent basis. The struggle in the battle often occurs from forces that exist externally, while other forces come from the internal. As a result, believers live in a constant state of the danger zone, ever battling to remain faithful in the Lord and to seek Him faithfully with all of our lives. The Apostle Paul understood the reality of the daily battle and challenged believers to fight well by preparing and contending through the armor of the Lord.

The Apostle Paul began by commanding believers to be STRONG in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10). When understanding the strength that comes from the Lord, the believer needs to know that God’s strength is ever available. In the original language, the Apostle placed the term in the present active voice. This means that the strength of the Lord is ever available in the life of the believer and that the strength is an active reality. Thus, to be strong in the Lord means that God strengthens us in our weaknesses and provides the ability to our availability.

Likewise, we need to understand that the strength and might of the Lord is more than enough for the battle. The struggles and conflicts we face never overcome the might and strength of the Lord. The Apostle used the passive tense with the term might in this passage. The usage of the passive tense reminds us that God has more than enough might available to handle any situation or dynamic. This is because might is built into the character of the Lord. To be battle ready means that we are trusting on the strength of the Lord and not our ability or strength.

The Apostle challenged believers to STAND FIRM in the Lord (Ephesians 6:11-12). As believers, we must stand firm in the Lord against the enemy that comes against us. Especially, we need to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Satan desires to cause a stumbling in our lives and force us to falter. Thus, the evil one schemes against us by using various forms of temptation. Satan tempts us through our desires (appetites), what looks good to us (aesthetics), and our fleshly hopes (ambitions). Against these temptations we must stand firm in the Lord.

At the same time, we must stand firm against the present darkness. As a follower of Christ, we reside in the camp of the Lord. The camp is located currently in the midst of the enemy. Dwelling in this fallen world means that believers are surrounded by corruption, sin, and darkness. As these forces attempt to cause issues in the life of the believer it become imperative that the follower of Christ seek to stand firm on the truth of God’s Word and to stand firm as an ambassador and child of the Lord. Thus, in the midst of the enemy camp the children of God stand for light.

This occurs when we stand firm in the spiritual battle that is before us. The heat of the battle often drives some to retreat or surrender. As a child of God, one is to stand firm when the fierceness of the battle comes around them and to stand firm in the ultimate victory that has been claimed by Christ. We are called to recognize the battle and to stand firm and to never retreat or surrender for the victory is claimed.

The Apostle Paul expected believers to SUIT UP in the Lord (Ephesians 6:13-17). The Lord does not leave His children unprepared for the battle, but provides the needed armor for the child of God to suit up in. This armor aids in the preparation of the coming onslaught of the enemy. To prepare is to suit up in training. The training needed centers on the growing in the Lord, the growing in the truth, and the growing in one’s faith.

The preparation occurs each moment of each day as a new onslaught rests just around the corner. But the Lord does not expect His child to enter into battle without the proper gear. Thus, the suiting up moves beyond preparation. The Lord makes available His armor for His child to wear in the battle. The armor of God provides the truth needed to live. The armor protects the heart in righteousness. The armor provides the needed shoes to stand firm. The armor protects the head in the name of Christ and provides a shield and a sword for hand to hand combat. The Lord provides the offensive and defensive weapons needed to live in His strength and to claim His victory.

The Apostle called believers to SPEAK to the Lord (Ephesians 6:18-19). The key to each component of this is the conversation one has with the Lord. The believer needs to remain in constant communication with the Lord as the Lord leads and guides each step of the way in front of them. This means that we need to speak to the Lord in prayer constantly. We need to be living a life that is defined and redefined by our prayer life. In speaking with the Lord, one is making the request for the Lord’s willfulness and aid in the preparation for the battle. The child of God is making the requests known that are driven from the heart. The critical component is that the communication is not a routine event, but it is the authentic I speaking to the Real Thee. Thus, the communication is open, honest, and centers on speaking and hearing from the Lord.

Paul reminded the believer of the expectation to SERVE the Lord (Ephesians 6:20). As the follower of Christ, we must serve as God’s ambassador. This means that each of us represents the Lord and not a personal agenda. Our lives are to speak only what the Lord has given us to speak and should stand for only what the Lord has declared for us to stand for. Thus, we serve as ambassadors who are faithful to the Lord and persevere through the struggles that we face. The key component is that we stand firm in the strength of the Lord to serve Him in faithfulness for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

As you consider the Apostle Paul’s challenge to believers, how are you doing at being battle ready? Are you trusting in the Lord in order to stand strong in Him? Are you standing firm not in the strength of the self, but standing firm in the Lord? Are you making sure that you are suited up in the armor of God in order to battle well? Are you speaking to the Lord regularly so you can hear the divine commander’s commands? Are you serving the Lord in faithfulness and representing His kingdom? May this be a season of preparation and battling well for the Lord.


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