“As Much As These”

In John 21:15, John pens these words of Jesus, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” This pointed and intriguing question is one that causes reflection, introspection, and concern. It is ambiguous and pointed. It is subtle and obvious at the same time. “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?”

At that very moment, Simon was left to reflection on his love of Christ versus his love of these. But what are these? Could it be the other men around the fire that morning? Could it be the fishing gear that had been used? Could it be the fish that been used to fill the need of hunger? Could it be the vast collection of fish from the fishing expedition? Any of these could be the “these” Jesus is asking about. Simon is left to reflect on the passion and love that he has for all of these objects in his life and for the activities they stand for. While reflecting upon “these” Simon is left to reflect on the amount of love for Christ which exists in his life compared to his love for “these”.

Left to reflection alone, Peter could easily pass off the question, “do you love me as much as these?” because often time reflection stops on a superficial level where one can easily answer “of course I love your more than these.” But reflection should guide one to introspection. The process of introspection is diving beneath the initial level of response and digging deeper into our lives to fully analyze what is truly going on. It is a time of deep analysis that drives us to be honest about what has supplanted the reign, rule, and authority of Christ in our lives. It is the process of seeking out the crevices of our lives that are secretly confirming to the ways of the world instead of the ways of God.

Through reflecting and searching oneself, we should be led to a sense of concern when we recognize areas of our lives that have failed in remaining adhered to Christ. The concern should drive us back to the place of repentance, seeking forgiveness, and being transformed. This concern should strengthen our resolve to seek Christ in all that we do and to focus on obedience and growing in Him. There should be concern because the question, “Do you love me as much as these?” simply indicates that there might be a barrier between yourself and God.

As we look into our lives for the answer to this pointed question, let us respond to these simple questions.

1. Do you love me as much as these fishing supplies (secular occupations and hobbies)?

2. Do you love me as much as these fish (items collected or material wealth gained)?

3. Do you love me as much as these men (the individuals around you who seem to follow Christ every step of the way)?

4. Do you love me as much as these (anything and everything in life)?


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