Be Wise with Your Time

Time limits every individual. All of us live within a twenty-four-hour day and most days you probably feel rushed or like too many items have gone unmet. Part of handling this issue centers on our stewardship of time. In Ephesians 5:15-16 the Apostle Paul wrote, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”

The use of our time reflects the walk of our life. Where we spend most our time depicts what controls our heart. If our hearts are truly in tune with the leading of the Lord, then the activities that occupy our time will bring glory and honor to the Lord. If our hearts are clouded by the idols and things of this world, then our time will not be centered on accomplishing the leading and commands of the Lord. Instead, our life will be controlled by worldly activities. So, take a moment and see what dominates the time of your life. Are you living and walking in the ways of the Lord or in the activities and things of this world?

Without intentional activity, time will be wasted. Being a good steward of time does not occur naturally. Left to ourselves, we will find a way to fill our calendar and days with activity that does not truly matter in the end. We often procrastinate what we are being led to do and ultimately asking where the time has gone. Being intentional with our time means that we are strategically staying engaged with the Lord and his leading in our lives. We are making sure that we are seeking to fulfill our allotted time by fulfilling His will. So how intentional are you with your time? Are you intentional about carrying out the leading and commands of the Lord?

Living for good things today could keep us from living for the great things of God. There are many good activities in the world. Unfortunately, there are times in life when we simply choose to surrender the great activities of God for the good things of this world. When this occurs, we will find ourselves not guarding the time the Lord has given us to live for Him. We will surrender the leading of the Lord at the altar of what is good and neglect that which is great. Thus, managing our activities and time is important. As you look at the stewardship of your time, is it filled with a lot of good things or is it filled with the great things of God?

To work on becoming a better steward of time first give the Lord control of your time. Second, seek the Lord daily for guidance. Third, seek to live for the great things and battle against simply doing the good things. All of us are limited in time, I pray that you will seek to not waste the brevity of your time.


Rejoice in Salvation


The End is Just the Beginning