Faithful Living in Such a Time as This

When believers gaze at the world around them, they notice that the world appears to be out of control. People seek to understand how to engage the world in a manner that is proper according to the Word of God. In 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 the Apostle Paul wrote, “Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Do everything in love.” This passage encourages believers to faithful living in such a time as this.

First, believers must be alert. Paul’s declaration served to remind believers that they need to be watchful regarding the enemy. The call to watchfulness expects the believer to look out for the tools of deception of the evil one that would cause stumbling. It is an awareness of the schemes that the evil one brings against the followers of Christ.

At the same time, Paul encouraged believers to remain on guard. The ability to stand on guard rests in the truth that the believer needs to be sober minded and remain alert. Thus, the believer needs to stay level headed and fight the urge to slumber through the journey and remain ever watchful ready to guard their life. How do they defend? With the armor of God.

Second, believers must stand firm. The Apostle Paul called believers to stand firm in their relationship with the Lord. The basis of the relationship comes from a relationship with Christ and everyone’s identity must rest in Christ. The solid foundation is Christ alone as any other foundation fails the pressures of this world and the reality of eternity. At the same time, the call from the Apostle means that the believer must stand firm in the truth. The truth of the Lord is not relative but absolute. It is not truth based on our opinion, but eternal, definite truth.

Elsewhere, the Apostle would encourage holding firm to the Gospel, the reality of one true God, and the truth of sound doctrine. The same is needed in the lives of believers today for a time like this.

Third, believers must be strong and courageous. Believers remain engaged in a spiritual battle.

This battle is an attempt to persuade believers to walk away from the truth they know. The Apostle wrote to a church that was open to tolerance and tended to neglect standing for God’s truth. Paul reminds them that they need to rest not on the ways of the world, but in conviction of truth. The same is true in a culture of tolerance today. There is a difference between loving someone and tolerance. You can love and stand on truth where tolerance expects an abandonment of truth. Thus to living faithfully as such a time as this, believers must stand on biblical truth in love.

Fourth, believers must love in everything. Paul noted that love must remain present through it all. This is because love is the healing balm. When we love God properly (heart, mind, soul, and strength) and love others as ourselves while standing on truth then the ability to speak into people’s lives occurs. Love must move beyond words and become the action of our lives. To the issue of separation, the answer is love. To the issue of disagreements, the answer is love. To the issue of mistreatments, the answer is love. To the issue of selfishness, the answer is love. Love is the mechanism that allows the believer to engage the world properly in truth. But note that love does not rewrite truth, but love speaks truth in a manner that flows from passion.

As believers face trying and different times, each needs to ask themselves important questions.

As a believer, how are you being watchful and standing guard against the attacks of the evil one? What is your life standing on? Where does your foundation rest? Are you living in a manner that is strong and courageous? These questions help in the movement toward living in a faithful manner in such a time as this.


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