Finding Hope

Let’s be honest. The tensions that surround us every day remain a constant reality. We face the bombardment of devasting news and opinions from television to social media. The pressure and information attack us and often leads us to feel defeated, depressed, and struggling just to figure out our feelings, thoughts, and concerns. Likewise, we become easily irritated, and anger begins to manifest between individuals. All of this leads to a place in need of hope. Let me offer you four critical reminders in the desire to see HOPE amid the chaos.

First, find hope in HOLDING ON. The believer faces the temporary struggle by holding on to their relationship with the Lord and continually remembering that the Lord must be the foundation for their lives. In Matthew 7, Jesus told of the wise man who built a house on the rock and a foolish man who built a home on the sand. When the winds and storms came against the structures, the house on the rock withstood the onslaught while the house on the sand failed and collapsed. Likewise, to find hope during the storm, the believer needs to rest in the hope that comes from a foundation of life constructed on Christ. Thus, to find hope in such a time as this, believers must hold on to Jesus as their foundation.

Second, find hope in OPPORTUNITY. The child of God has the opportunity to serve the Kingdom of God. This service provides a joy that surpasses even the starkest situations in life. In the Letter of James, the believer is reminded to, “Consider it a great joy my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” (James 1:2-3). The opportunity to serve the Lord, in such a time as this, allows the believer to gain endurance for the journey ahead and to take joy in the reality that the Lord uses the difficulty to develop us as His follower. Thus, find hope in the moment during the opportunity to serve the Lord.

Third, find hope in PRAYER. The act of prayer provides an opportunity to speak with and listen to the Lord. The believer’s prayer life opens to the corridor to speak with the Lord and to request the Lord’s working in their life. Prayer provides hope as it reminds the believer of the presence, power, and promises of the Lord. The Psalmist reminds us of who God is and empowers us to pray by declaring, “I will say, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” (Psalm 91:2). When we pray in the understanding of the Lord being the needed refuge and fortress, then hope is reestablished in the life of the Christian.

Fourth find hope in ETERNITY. The dynamics of this moment will disappear. The current reality exists as a fleeting moment. The fact is that the focus of a Christian needs to be bigger than the moment. The perspective of the child of God needs to center on the reality of eternity. Peter reminded us that “The God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you suffered a little while.” (1 Peter 5:10). Note how we understand that looking to eternity and the promises of the Lord for eternity outweigh the struggle of the moment. To find hope in such a time as this, we must view life through the lens of eternity.

The chaos of the world will continue due to the fallen nature of man. Those who have the experience of a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior need not be defeated, depressed, or in denial during such times, but instead need to find HOPE. Hope is available in Christ, and the believer can experience the presence of HOPE in Holding onto Jesus, Finding the Opportunity to Serve Jesus, Pray to the Lord, and Maintain an Eternal Perspective.


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