Rest in the Lord

One common experience for all people is the reality of pain. Pain and suffering occur in many forms and fashions. There is the experience of physical pain from injury or disease. There is the emotional suffering in the loss of a loved one or a tragedy. There is the suffering and pain as a result of our wrong actions and struggles with others. Ultimately, pain and suffering exist due to the selfish sinful state of humanity.

But God, rich in mercy and grace has given hope in the midst of the suffering. To the follower of Jesus, God gave hope through the words of Peter in 1 Peter 5:10. In this letter, Peter penned, “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”

To a Child of God, God himself will RESTORE. The concept found in the term restore signifies that God will mend the brokenness of His child. The hurt caused by the suffering will find restoration in the working of the Lord through His grace. The idea is the reconciliation that happens for the setting of things back in place. No matter what man attempts to become restored, the only true restoration comes in Christ.

To a Child of God, God himself will CONFIRM. Suffering often challenges men and women in the area of faith. Pain and anguish tend to cause questioning and moments of doubting. In the midst of this suffering, God will confirm Himself and ultimately give a firmness to the believer to ultimately continue in the trusting of the Lord. The Bible speaks to a man named Job who lost everything and ultimately began to question God. In the midst of the questions, God responded to Job and confirmed to Job His working and goodness. Likewise, God will confirm His presence and working in the midst of the suffering of His child.

To a Child of God, God himself will STRENGTHEN. When the believer faces difficulties in life, the Lord never abandons. Rather, God himself responds by becoming a strength. The Lord balances, holds onto, and props up the child in the midst of the storm of pain. The believer may not recognize the presence of the Lord in the middle of the anguish, but the Lord allows His strength to be the strength of His follower. Thus, when man’s weakness and feebleness fail, God holds his own up and continues to give them the ability to stand.

To a Child of God, God himself will ESTABLISH. The term used for “establish” indicates that the Lord will be the foundation for the follower of Christ. As the foundation, God lays a base for the believer that never fails or shifts. Thus, the believer withstands suffering because they become established in the Lord and allow the Lord to establish Himself as the foundation in life. Resting in the world leads to a constant shifting and unsettled life with a weak foundation, but in Christ there is an unfailing and unending foundation.

Are you struggling and suffering today? Without the Lord the suffering will ultimately leave you abandoned and alone. A life reconciled to the Lord through a relationship with Christ brings forth the hope of the promised eternal life and the constant presence and working of the Lord in life. Find hope in the Lord to endure and overcome the suffering in life. Allow the Lord to restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.


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