Standing Tall in the Shipwreck

Shipwrecks occur in life. Often the shipwreck happens when we set sail on our own path and refuse to listen to the leading of the Lord in our life. Often, in the midst of the shipwreck we become disheartened, frustrated, and feel defeated. But the Bible encourages us to engage the shipwreck in life much like the Apostle Paul dealt with the shipwreck in Acts 27.

The Apostle Paul had told the mariners not to set sail for Crete. Refusing to listen to Paul, the ship set sail and faced a storm at sea that ultimately led to great loss and destruction. Surrounded by the wreckage, the Apostle Paul speaks truth into the situation and faces the circumstance with courage, confidence, and compassion as we find in Acts 27:21-26.

First, Paul faced the shipwreck with courage. Those voyaging on the ship faced the reality of the wreckage with fear and pain. The fear of losing everything including life must have existed within their minds. In countering this, the Apostle Paul spoke with courage about the situation. The courage for the Apostle Paul did not depend on his own fleshly strength, but on his assurance in the Lord.

The Apostle stood in courage because of the God he worshipped and the God to whom he belonged. This meant that Paul’s strength rested in the strength of the Lord and as a result he could stand in boldness and faith. Paul knew that the shipwreck was not bigger than the Lord.

In the same way, when we truly worship the Lord and authentically belong to the Lord, we can stand in courage when life contains a shipwreck. This courage does not rest on our own ability, but our belonging to the Lord and reliance on the Lord’s strength.

Second, Paul stood in confidence. Paul confidently declared that the Lord told Him that there would not be a loss of life or injury. Paul’s confidence rested in the complete trusting in the Lord. He knew that the Lord would not go against His word and rested in the confidence that the will and plans of the Lord would come to reality.

When facing disaster, believers should stand in confidence that the Lord is at work. This means that the Lord who gives us courage is the Lord that we can have confidence in. As His children, the Lord ultimately has promised us eternity and as a result, we rest in the hope that has been offered to us through a relationship with Christ. It is in this confidence of God’s promise that we rest in the midst of struggle.

Third, Paul shared with compassion. The Apostle Paul shared the news of the Lord with those who needed comfort. As believers, we have the needed comfort for those who do not know the Lord. Within us, there ought to be a compassion for others that desires for them to know the truth, promise, and word of the Lord. Like Paul, we ought to share the Good News of Christ with those in a shipwrecked life that they may experience the confidence and courage that comes from a personal relationship with Christ.

As a believer, we must face shipwreck with a godly perspective. In doing so, an avenue is open to share with others the greatness and gift of the Lord. If you are facing a shipwrecked life there is a God in heaven who desires to give you the courage and confidence to see it through.


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