The Framework of My Worldview

A worldview is the lens by which one looks through to see, understand, and interpret the world around them and their place in the world. For the believer, a worldview must flow from who each one is in Christ and must be defined by the truth of the Lord. A believer’s worldview must be wrapped in the truth of the Lord because a follower of Christ must be surrendered and committed to the Lord in every aspect of life. The believer fights against the threat of viewing the world in a compartmentalized manner that attempts to separate God and following the Lord in a compartment and other portions of the world in a separate compartment. Ultimately, the believer must commit to seeing, understanding, and interpreting the world through the lens of God’s Word and needs to find their place in this world through the grand narrative that flows from a relationship with Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul spoke to the reality of such a truth concerning a believer’s worldview in Romans 8:5–8. In this passage, he wrote to the church in Rome: “For those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their minds set on the things of the Spirit. Now the mindset of the flesh is death, but the mindset of the Spirit is life and peace. The mindset of the flesh is hostile to God because it does not submit to God’s law. Indeed, it is unable to do so. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” Let us examine the importance of a biblical worldview as outlined by the apostle Paul

First, the believer needs to recognize that one’s worldview reveals where one’s mind is set. The apostle spoke to the setting of the course of one’s mind, demonstrates the desired purpose and goal of one’s life. Paul’s mentioning of “their minds set” depicts the image of setting a destination and planning a course to reach that destination. Thus, the worldview becomes driven by the desired endpoint. To recognize how one journeys on the course, one must ask themselves what their life goal is set for. Paul provided two different destinations for the individual that determines their course. One of the courses sets a path toward the fulfillment of the flesh. This path desires to obtain treasure and status in the world. It is overly concerned by the opinions and ideas of the world. Such a worldview is motivated by the flesh and the self and ultimately ignores the worldview set forth by the Lord’s control in one’s life. A second course that one may travel seeks to live for Christ and live for His kingdom. Such an approach does not desire to obtain treasure but instead store heavenly treasure through obedience and following the Lord. This course is traveled in a manner that reflects the Lord because of His presence in one’s life and is controlled by the truth of God’s Word. Thus, the believer’s mind battles against being set on the things of the flesh and sets their mind on the things of Christ.

Second, the believer must understand that one’s worldview reveals what governs one’s mind. The worldview one claims identifies what controls the individual’s mind and life. The manner in which one thinks points to the amount of one’s life is surrendered to the Lord. The follower of Christ needs to assess their lives to discover where the mind battles with being set on the things of this world instead of the things of the Lord. To aid in the assessment, the believer ought to ask questions like:

• Do I use excuses to justify the activities in my life or the life of others that God calls sin?

• Do I misuse love to ignore the reality of wrath?

• Do the things that I choose and support reflect Jesus or the world?

Third, the believer must grasp the truth that one’s worldview reveals one’s relationship with the Lord. The competing worldviews (Flesh or Biblical) depict one’s faithfulness or disobedience to the Lord. When living in the worldview of the flesh, one is living in a manner that is hostile to God, refuses to submit to the Lord, does not please the Lord, and ends with eternal death. Such a life dishonors the Lord and does not mirror a life of one who follows Christ. The believer following a biblical worldview reflects a life that pleases the Lord, lives in peace, is submitted to the Lord, and lives in the promise and reality of eternal life. Thus, one’s worldview identifies the reality of one’s relationship with the Lord. As one continues to navigate a very different time in the world, it is important that believers recognize that the way in which one looks at the world is directly related to who Christ is in one’s life. As believers engage the world, may they compete to live according to the ways of the Word and battle against living according to the ways of the world. May the mind be set on Christ. 


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